Januar 16, 2014

Hello my dearest,

I hope you’re all doing well! Fortunately I got well and the infection is long gone, yay! I was feeling sooo dizzy and drowsy from all the medication, I am so happy to just be back to my normal self. Just right when the infection started (and I thought I would just have a little ordinary cold) my cousin visited me here in Bonn! I was really happy that she took the time and effort to come here and see how I live and all. It was really unfortunate that I was sick because I would have loved to show her some other things but I was just too weak in the end and even going to the cinema was awful for me in my condition. (although I really enjoyed The Hunger Games Part Two, much better than the first if you ask me!)
We had a lot of fun though! I only wish my apartment was bigger it is absolutely not suited for guests. I’m kinda relieved I am going back to Berlin next month. However, we started by making a huuuge grocery shopping morning and carried it all downhill we were so beat when we arrived because we bought just so much stuff, drinks and all. (I never buy drinks or bottles, they’re just too heavy! I actually live on tea and tap water and instant coffee only xD )  The Friday when we arrived I showed her through Bonn, we made a little shopping trip, I showed her my university and the Rhein river and all that and the beautiful little oldtown. We went home early and made Spaghetti Bolognese and watched the first Hunger Games movie (because she hadn’t seen it yet) and went to bed almost early.
Next day we went to Cologne! We visited the Cologne Dome and went on top of the dome. Oh my. We really wanted to. It’s more than 500 steps until the top and let me tell you, 500 steps is a LOT. We were already sweating after maybe 50 steps xD My cousin panicked in the end a bit because there was a different type of stairs where you could see the bottom still and yeah, that was kinda creepy, even for me who has absolutely no problem with height. We made it to the top somehow and a nice father even gave me a chocolate bar as a gif for making it to the top xD We were really unlucky with the weather though it was really windy, rainy and cold, freeezing cold on top of that dome. We were so proud we made it though!
We made it to the top, yeeaah!
Proof picture that we really made it to the top 😀 Without the dome it kinda looks like Bonn…
Since it was so cold and it rained we didn’t spent too long on top and went back after 15 minutes or so. It took over 30 minutes to get on top and almost 30 to get back (there is only one reaaally narrow stairway and its not the most easy of all climbs to be honest) so we were soooo beat when we arrived back down, we just went to the first coffeeshop and relaxed there for about an hour. My cousin was so proud she got herself a present for her success xD She bought the same bag I showed you last post, only in brown :3
Ice chocolate and ice coffee! My throat was hurting so bad I drank mine in like 5 minutes wish I could have enjoyed it more :'( Maybe next time! The café was really nice it had a lot of nice waffles, ice drinks etc.
(And yes, I have instagram now that my phoen can do it! 😀 😀 😀 Follow me if you like here: ^w^  Instagram  )
We also splurged on some burgers and beer on the way back home it was sooooo good. I think we both slept like little babies because we were just done. On Sunday we only grabbed some coffee and went to the cinema which was really nice, nachos with cheese! (Not the best choice if you have a throat infection but I loooove cheese nachos so much…and it’s not like I’m going to the cinema often..) On Monday she left and we didn’t do anything; I just went to the doctor at 8AM in the morning because I was feeling worse every day and we sat in a café until she went to the airport again.
It was a really nice time, I wish I had more pictures but we were both looking kinda awful so.. no xD Thank you cousin for visiting me! ^w^ Please also come to Japan and Korea! ;D 
Hope you’re all doing well!
Lots of love,
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