I SEE FIRE [13/14]

Januar 9, 2014

Hello my dear readers,

I am  A W F U L L Y late with my New Year’s post I’m sorry! I hope you all had a wonderful start into the new year ๐Ÿ™‚ I for my part…. I caught a very nasty infection in my throat and am currently still under heavy medication. I am a lot better now but I get all drowsy and tired from the pills since I have to take eight pills a day ;_; So my start into the year could have been a lot better. I went to the doctor on Monday and I haven’t been to university since. I might go tomorrow, still have to prep presentations and don’t want to miss my Korean lessons, Friday is the most important day for Korean .__. But I have so many posts! So here we’ll go!
Although I’m late I wanna share my New Year’s Eve party with you because my friends and I had a lot of fun <3 It was a themed party and our original theme was Disney. However, people didn’t like it so we changed it to „whatever-you-like“: Most people stuck to Disney though which made me happy (Disney was my theme, after all ๐Ÿ˜€ ) I went for a modern version of Ariel the little mermaid because I wanted to pretty myself up ๐Ÿ˜ก I did the make-up late in the evening because I was working at my boyfriend’s store before so the lighting was pretty crappy .__. I still tried to take some pictures for you because I was really proud of my make-up ^__^ You can’t see it on the pictures but it was extremely green & blue with lots and lots of sparkle ๐Ÿ™‚

I really like how it turned out although the pictures don’t make it justice ._.  At around 8PM we started our little party :3 It was nothing too special – we all are growing older and parties are getting a little less important. We just had a good time together! Had some drinks (nobody was drunk though, another sign for our growing wisdom!), made some awesome food, did a little Karaoke and firework to welcome the new year ๐Ÿ™‚ It was a nice evening!

With my cousin Jacky <3 You will see more of her soon because she visited me in Bonn for 4 days, yay! She was the Mad Hatter (Version Johnny Depp!) and her make-up looked insane! (Oh and please take your time to appreciate my hairbow; I didn’t have any glue so it was a pain in the ass to make that bow! ><)

We had the most insane cake pops! I usually don’t like cake pops but these were so. damn. good. The ultimate chocolate cake-pops, oh my. I think I had like five that night and even took three of them home. (Anyone interested in the recipe?)
With my besties. I know all of them for more than 10 years now! (I even know the ladies on the right for almost 20 years :3 And okay, my cousin, I know my life long, she’s the younger one! ๐Ÿ˜› )
..aaand since you all were interested in the Motel Rocks dress: Here it is! As you can also see in the pics before it always looks different, it’s so hard to capture! It’s insanely sparkly like the one on the left, apparently mobile phones catch sparkle better than my DSLR-camera… (It’s very warm though I wore very thin leggings otherwise I would have gotten a heat stroke!)
And the whole lot together ๐Ÿ™‚ (It was SO hard to get this picture, I was running around with the timer of my cam like a little chicken xD )
T I M E   T O   W E L C O M E   T H E   N E W   Y E A R!
Yes. The streets in Berlin usually look like war when the New Year happens xD I’m not sure why but Germans loooove firework, they’re doing it 1 week before New Year and even some days after still…
My cousin and I have the tradition that we take a picture with gigantic sparklers! We’re doing this for quite some years now ๐Ÿ™‚ Luckily she thought of it, I forgot sparklers, like every year, I’m a bad friend, sorry..
…the End ๐Ÿ™‚
I hope you all had a wonderful start into the New Year, tell  me what you’ve done! Next post I have to shar all the Christmas presents I got for myself (until it’s way to late!) and the travel post with my cousin who visited me in Bonn ๐Ÿ™‚ Take care y’all!
Lots of love,
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