Hi There! I am currently off work as I was sent to the doctor yesterday; I’ve been battling a nasty cold for the past three weeks and I guess my…
Review + Swatch: Code Glökolor x Moomin Collection
Hi There! ….guess what? I am totally still alive! A very merry happy belated Christmas to all of you and I hope you all had a great start into the…
….off to New York City! [+ Travel Essentials]
Hi There! No, I’m not dead yet. In fact, I am quite alive and almost on my way to New York City when you’ll read this post! I wish I…
Finally Found The One: Pure Heal’s Propolis 90 Ampoule Review
Hi There!I wrote this post over a week ago and forgot to publish it. I’m a moron. Autumn has a solid grip on Germany now, and while the days are…
Tosowoong Collective Brand Review: Propolis + Aloe Essence, Aloe Face Mist and Super Aqua Cooling Gel!
Hi There, Ever since I posted about my haul from Tosowoong I got constant questions about how the products worked for me. Since I doubt that I’ll ever come around…
Second Canadian Snacks + Swap Of The Year With Filosophie!
Hi There! Sorry for the lack of updates recently, but I am actually having some private issues that are making it really hard for me to focus and blog content.…
My Favorite AHA Ever: Papa Recipe White Flower Clear Up 8% AHA Gel Rave Review
Hi There! I finally have more than one day off from work so I’m trying to catch up with this blog thing and my social life! It feels absolutely great…
The Complete Guide To Dyeing Your Hair Grey (Without Losing Your Hair)
Hi There! I feel incredibly awful for the long absence but I had good reasons! I finally finished, printed and submitted my second master thesis to my university here in…
Get The Glow: Hanyul Luminant Cushion Review in #23
Hi There! If you are still waiting on a response from me in the comments or one of the various emails that I received in the past: I truly am.…
How To Keep The Glow Even In Busy Times
Hi There! As you all may very well know, I am living a pretty terrible busy life these past months. Juggling not only my two master degree’s in two different…