Hi there, it’s so good to see you again! Life has been hectic and my job has me tightly in it’s grip, but I just miss writing so much that I’ll make a night shift to finally give you something new to read 🙂 Just a few weeks ago, I have had the pleasure to…
Kira Kira Crate March 2017 Review
Hi everyone! I won’t bore you with the details of why I didn’t post recently and instead will dive right into the review of my very first Kira Kira Crate! I have always been a huge fan of subcription boxes and was very delighted when the kind people of Kira Kira Crate reached out to…
Country&Stream Honey Peel Off Pack Review Or: The Peel-Off Mask From HELL.
Hi There! There are so many exciting things going on right now – I am in the middle of making my apartment more homely, building myself tables and a nice area in my kitchen for lots of people to sit and chill (will definitely share pictures once finished!) and I might take on new responsibilites…
How to combat hyperpigmentation 101: How to really fade those spots (super long + detailed)
Hi there, YES. ITS FINALLY HAPPENING. I know I promised this post ages ago but it never left my mind as it might just be the single most important posts I’ve ever typed. Without my struggle with acne, this blog wouldn’t exist. If I didn’t hit hard rock-bottom with my skin, I would have never went…
Kbeauty Summer Favorites!
Hi There! I’m not sure about the weather where you live, but this year the summer is crazy in Germany! At least in Berlin where I live, we don’t get into real summer feeling for a prolonged period of time. Most years, we’re lucky to have 2-3 weeks of summer temperatures before it’s more or…
Goodal Family Review: The Good, The Ugly And The Hyped
Hi There! …can you believe it is already April? Berlin finally found its spring groove which means the sun is finally shining and we can run around in leather jackets! My favorite season! It also means I have to tweak my skincare routine (……IF I HAD ANY AT THE MOMENT) to help my skin adjust…
Battle Royale: Top 5 Propolis Essence/Ampoule Comparison Review
Hi There! Damn, this post has been SO LONG in the making. As you probably all know, I am a huge fan of propolis, ever since the COSRX A-Sol with propolis did wonders for my acne-ridden skin. I got the idea for a huge comparison post of propolis essences after I noticed that I had…
Korean Beauty: Disappointing Products 2015
Hi There! I am currently off work as I was sent to the doctor yesterday; I’ve been battling a nasty cold for the past three weeks and I guess my body finally just gave in, so here I am. In the beginning of January no one of us could call in sick as we were…
Second Canadian Snacks + Swap Of The Year With Filosophie!
Hi There! Sorry for the lack of updates recently, but I am actually having some private issues that are making it really hard for me to focus and blog content. I’m not really sure of where I’m at the moment, so I’ll just leave it like that for now. On a more positive note, I…
How To Keep The Glow Even In Busy Times
Hi There! As you all may very well know, I am living a pretty terrible busy life these past months. Juggling not only my two master degree’s in two different languages and 10,000km of each other apart, I am also working part-time (full-time starting from October!) and trying to keep my social life up to…