….off to New York City! [+ Travel Essentials]
Hi There!
No, I’m not dead yet. In fact, I am quite alive and almost on my way to New York City when you’ll read this post! I wish I could say that I prepared many posts beforehand for you to read while I’m away, but the truth is: I didn’t. Not a single one. I am still dealing with a lot of emotional things right now and I currently don’t have the head for doing..anything really.
So, I’m going away and try to leave everything behind, at least for a while. Getting out of the city and visiting another continent is exactly what I’m needing right now. It will be my first time ever visiting New York City (or the US, for that matter) so I am beyond excited!
But worry not, this blog won’t stay silent forever! I miss blogging deeply and I can’t wait to get in the right mindset again to enjoy blogging as much as I did before. Man, I tell ya, life sucks sometimes. I will probably be instagramming a lot about my stay in New York, so if you want to stay updated feel free to follow my instagram anytime 🙂
I couldn’t leave this post empty as it is already, so I prepared a teeny list of the essential things that I got prior to my NYC trip: Some things that are pretty much essential on any of my intercontinental travel adventures.
Tamaris Mint/Glam Boots: It’s finally(?) winter in Germany and we had our first snow just yesterday! Needless to say, my toes almost froze to death on my way to work. The most important thing for me to travel in the winter time is a great shoe to support all the shopping walking distances and keep my feet warm while exploring the city. Tamaris has great shoes and isn’t the color of these ones to die for..?
The Girl On The Train: No intercontinental flight without a book. Never! Yes, there is a whole entertainment system on board and I have my phone, music and half of my game station with me, but still. A book doesn’t only set the mind for the travel, it’s also incredibly calming and a great help when you have trouble falling asleep. (Also, well hidden secret of me: I’m not big on watching movies. Like, ever. There you have it.)
Pusheen Unicorn Pants: Comfortable pants are a must, especially when you have to sit for more than 6+ hours in a row, but they still have to give you some warmth. I basically squealed when I found these unicorn pusheen (!) pants at my local H&M just yesterday – I feel like they express the inner part of my soul just right.
New York City Guide: Even though it may seem outdated to some tech-savvy people, I would never travel anywhere without a travel guide, I’m just that old-fashioned. Most of the times, I don’t even use it as much, but the pleasure lies completely in reading everything at home and dreaming about the trip before it even began.
Iron Fist Love Potion Satchel: If you plan on doing some serious shopping, you’ll need a roomy bag that isn’t too heavy to begin with. I usually carry half of my life around with me (you never know what happens! Better be prepared, right?) so I try to find the lightest material possible – I love all my bags from Iron Fist as they are spacey, light, yet still look extravagant enough to match my personal style (plus, it matches my purple hair!)
Moleskine Travel Journey: Speaking of old-fashioned…. yes, I have all the information I need on my phone and printed out but you know what? I still keep everything I need to know in a handy travel journal, nostalgic as I am. It’s the greatest pleasure to look through everything after the trip and dwell in happy memories from abroad – I usually use the journal as my personal diary, loaded with pictures, stickers, useful information and of course my shopping wishlist for myself and my dear ones.
AKG Q460 Headphones: Travelling is only as good as its background soundtrack. Since my headphones were a bit on the unreliable side lately, a good friend of mine was so kind to lend me her -amazing!- AKG headphones. They are pretty small and don’t look too bulky on my head yet give off a great sound to accompany my travels.
While writing this all down, I still haven’t figured out which coat to take. Weather seems to be good but my friends all said they experienced NYC ice cold, so I am very sceptical still. Will definitely report back on all the experiences I made on the other side of the world! Thank you all for being supportive and I hope you enjoyed this little travel essential post despite the lack of new content lately 🙂 I’ll be coming back on December 1st, so see you next month!
Lots of love,