OOTD: Strawberry Summertime.

Juli 8, 2014

Happy new week everyone!

As you can see by the picture, I totally forget to post this! I wore this outfit two weeks ago when I did gaming night with some friends. I actually love this skirt and wear it a lot, it is so comfy in hot weather! Sorry for the late post .__.” Already have outfit posts with my new hair so I’l just squeeze this in between sneaky as I am.

I finally got around to force my friend Lisander to take pictures of me and my beloved strawberry skirt from Punyus! The whole dorm was watching, which was weird to say the least, and which is also the reason why I only let her take three pictures because I couldn’t stand being watched like an animal in a zoo. It is still a lot better here in Japan because people in general don’t care if you take pictures of yourself in the street, in Germany everyone will think you are a very weird person if you do…   this is not the prettiest background ever but well, you gotta work with something right?
Since the print itself is very catchy I usually just wear it with a plain top; this navi one from GAP is my favorite combination since I like the color contrast. I really liked the green skirt from Punyus too but it has cabbage and…. strawberries are so much cooler than cabbage. What you cannot see is that the shoes are platform sneakers so they make me about 7cm taller than I usually am. And yes, this is how my hair looks when all the red hairdye has been washed out. I will dye it very soon but I’m gonna wait until short before my birthday, I only have four packs of hairdye left so I need to use them carefully 😀 I usually have my hair up in a bun because it is just SO HOT here that it doesn’t really matter. Once I’m back in Germany I think I will dye my hair in one single color again but I somehow don’t trust the Japanese hair stylists… I don’t really know why.  My hair is also freshly washed and dried because I came by bike so that’s why its making these weird shapes lol.  (Okay, okay, this is not really relevant since I just decided to cut my hair short and I think you can understand why, my hair looked just awful <____<“)
Coming back to the skirt! I actually got a lot of compliments around campus for wearing this. I think it is the perfect mixture of being cute but not too much – Japanese fashion tends to go very very cute with pink and ribbons and glitter and…. too much for a soon-to-be-25-year-old-girl. This has also the perfect length since most skirts and dresses are incredibly short on me here in Japan, I was so happy to find a store where they sell something with which I don’t need to worry about exposing any private parts all the time.
How do you like it..? Have you ever hear from Punyus..?
Wish you all a happy week!


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