Februar 28, 2013

My precious readers!

[Ohh I just realized when I scheduled this post for today – today is the last day of February!! I absolutly hate February. So it will be March in less than 24 hours. Spring, here we come! How amazing.]
Wow, life can be tough sometimes. Somehow, my life was much more easy and chilled when I went to university three times a week. As soon as my winter break started, life got just crazy. I had the most hilarious working hours (from 4:30AM, next day work until 11PM.. seriously Sbux??) I got the result of the Japanese exam I took in the beginning of December and surprisingly I failed pretty bad with only about 48% (needed at least 70% to pass). Well, that wasn’t a shock. There was so much I never ever saw before and the whole exam was just fucking hard. I mean, mother tongue level Japanese! There are some Japanese who might not even pass this. 
Anyway, good news ahead! I emailed the responsible person for the interpreter’s master course I’d really like to enter by autumn and she said that the JLPT N2 (I tried to pass N1 now) I passed last summer would be enough for at least entering the Japanese exams they have for entering the master’s course. Yay! I know had to apply for an English exam asap and pay 200 bucks (YES, TWOFUCKINGHUNDRED. Sorry. That’s third of my salary though!) for it. Yes, my life sucks. Just to prove that I’m skilled enough in English, please. Why do these exams have to be that expensive? Only broke students need them anyway. I don’t think it might be a problem passing the English exam, however I like to be prepared so I got some practice tests from my library to make sure I’ll rock that thing. 
That’s just my last week in a nutshell: Crappy workhours and lots of paperwork. I don’t even see my boyfriend. Actually we missed each other for the last 5 hours. I was out in the night & working all day the whole weekend (with the worst hangover ever (TWICE) ) so we didn’t really spend some time together. I’m off Saturday though so I hope to get some quality time by then! As for the weekend, a friend of ours had a belated birthday party which I attented. My cousin and I teamed up for the present (Well, I bought everything while she paid xD ) and here’s what we got:
….remember when I was talking about my mom’s insane decoration skills? Here you have it. Of course she had everything (basket, flowers, matching wrapping stuff) at home. I first wanted to buy a little basket but then I thought : “Noo, insane wrapping mom has it all at home” :’D So basically that was all I did. Buying gifts and cooking for all the parties we had. I would have some amazing recipes to share, anyone…? 
Due to me being a super busy bee my fitness and eating plan didn’t really work out. I was stressed, so I eat a lot and I didn’t do any sports at all. But! I signed up for two dancing classes (modern dance & hip hop dance) at university, so I have to do something at least twice a week, Mondays and Fridays. Unfortunately the first session on monday was cancelled due to the teacher’s illness :/ 
When I was home, my mom surprised me with some packages that arrived for me! I loooove getting letters. I used to write a lot of letters with at least 5 different persons at the same time but only a few people are writing back now, and even them only sometimes a year. I’d love to have my penpals again! Although it takes up some time, I really love to write and decorate 🙂 Anyway, I got some really cute packages from my friend Federica (Italy) and Tina, who is currently studying in Spain. Thank you girls!!

Package from Tina, she sent me such cute stuff! I have no idea where she got these insanely cute Korean stickers but I’m sure she thought it might be Japanese to match my field of study 😀

Amazing package from Federica, thank you so much! She loves that I am an insane tea lover and so she sent me some amazing green tea with fruits, wow. It’s so good! She also sent me some stamps so I could pretty up my next letter 😀 I think it’s so cool both sent me some decoration stuff because they know I really know how to decorate. If anybody wants a letter (and is willing to write back!!) just contact me 😀
I didn’t check on Blogger the whole week and was shocked to see I already gained more than 200 readers! Wow, thank you! I think you guys deserve a new giveaway soon. If only I had more money… >_<” Speaking of money, there is SO MUCH stuff in the stores that I’d like to buy. I could easily spent 300€ on some new fancy jackets. Which I’m not doing. Because I want to book a vacation together with my cousin too! And my bf gets money from me. And and and…. @__@”  However, there is that one jacket that was love at first sight and I might get it next month. When it’s getting warmer. I just can’t decide on the color…?
Real leather jacket by Vero Moda, ~ 80€ At first I saw the mint version and was in complete awe. I soon discovered the other colors and now I’m in love with all three and can’t decide which one to buy. I think every color would be suitable for spring, so I’m rather clueless :/ What you guys say..?
I have a lot of appointsment for this weekend & next week but I’ll try to post more frequently. I could at least prepare two recipes if you want because they turned out amazing! I just don’t wanna turn this blog into a food blog… but I already prepared all pictures 😀 Sorry for this super random post. It’s half past two in the morning and I should consider going to sleep. Thank you for reading & Hope you have a good day! 
Love & Talk to you all soon!
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