Living in Seoul: November Edition.

Dezember 13, 2014

Good evening everyone!

Can you believe, it’s already the middle of December! In 1 1/2 weeks I will finally be going to Japan and visit my best friend who moved there in November. Oh, I am SO happy that we will be spending some ultra quality time, just us two, for 13 days. ‘Dis gon’ be gud’. SO EXCITED! On a related note, time just flies in Seoul. I guess it’s because my Korean is crappy, I don’t know Seoul as I know Tokyo and anyways, there was nothing in Tsukuba to pass the time so that’s probably why. I had a pretty kickass November in Korea, I just say: So. Much. Food. I sometimes feel eating is the only real social practice here but.. nevermind me, I love food! I really like Korean food I must say, although some is too spicy for me. My favorites are bibimbap (do that frequently myself, so good..) and jjimdak. But let’s start at the beginning, shall we?
In the beginning of November, I met my lovely friend Arim (who wants to study abroad in Europe) and decided we have some traditional Han-river visit with fried chicken! I didn’t know this before but it’s actually a pretty big thing to go to the Han-river and eat chicken there. I’m pretty sure it’s super crowded in spring/summer/autumn. However when we went, it was already too cold for eating chicken outside so we went for a walk first and had some chicken at a place nearby.

 I love Arim, she is such a fun and easy-going person. We always have so much fun!

We ordered chicken with three different seasonings. It was really good, but… way too much for us. We would have needed a third person because we finished about two thirds of the plate. I usually get hungry in the evening.. we did eat around 4PM and I was extremely full until I went to bed.

Walking around Han-river was really relaxing, especially since there weren’t any people at all as you can see here 🙂 Ah, I miss the weather, it has gotten extremely cold come December.

Fall in Seoul is a really beautiful season. The trees in Germany aren’t getting that colorful! I was living in awe for a full month and was surprised how slowly the leaves transformed. I was able to appreciate their beauty for almost a full month before they were gone. This is the view from my dormitory window by the way!
I went to the movies twice in November and watched Interstellar and the Hunger Games: The Mockingjay. Both movies were really good, although the Hunger Games looked really pale in comparison to Interstellar. Oh my, that movie will haunt me for so long.. it was so so so good. Very trong cinema. If you didn’t watch it yet, please do! This movie needs to be seen on a big screen. After finishing my last presentation of my MA, I had a pizza party with Arim and we ordered this huge monster of pizza to celebrate. I also went to eat jjimdak (simmered chicken stew) with my friend Susan before we watched the Hunger Games movie.
Susan and I stumbled upon the Hello Kitty café in Seoul and what can I say… when you stumble upon a Hello Kitty café you really can’t say no! They sold lots of merchandise and had two special Hello Kitty drinks: Berry hot chocolate and Mint hot chocolate! It was a bit too sweet for my taste but didn’t matter, it had a kitty sprinkled on top! 😀
Susan and me being in Kitty wonderland. Ah, Susan is  my best friend here in Korea and I love her THAT much. No, words cannot express how  much I love her. She’s one of the coolest person on the whole planet. I am really really happy that she’s here with me, I didn’t think I’d ever see her again after she left Japan 2 1/2 years ago! 
I didn’t do much in November because I actually had to save money for my upcoming trip to Japan 🙂 So it was basically movies and food! I am fine with that. I can live on movies and food for quite some time happily. I am super glad to have such great friends here with me, it makes the whole living abroad thing a ton easier 🙂 
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