Just ’cause I have to share my happiness

Januar 25, 2012
Two days after I made a post about these kick-ass shoes and some other stuff I received a mail that they’d be available in my size and I fuckin’ bought them INSTANTLY. And I won’t regret it, now way.
J. Campbell Lita Studded
They arrived today and they are fuckin’ AMAZING (no, capital letter is obviously not enough!). They look like on the pictures and I’m glad to say they were wrapped very carefully with thick paper ‘n stuff around them (I read several reviews where the shoes weren’t wrapped so the studs scratched the leather etc.). I tried them on, they are a bit too big but okay with thicker socks. Didn’t want to risk they turn out to be too small.. by far one of the most comfiest high heel ever due to the plateau inside. So the “height” your foot has to bare with is only, I dunno… 6~7cm? I’m really tall with them and my legs look like I’m a supermodel LOL. Maybe I should turn them into my allday shoes, haha. Just so happy they arrived today that I wanted to share! (: If you hesitate, buy them! They are worth their money. I bought them via Solestruck.com and payment, service etc was superb! Recommend buying shoes with them, shipping took only one week from America to Japan. Happy customer! Pictures me featuring shoes coming until Sunday when I’ll finally wear them out to karaoke, yay!
Good night everybody on the Asian hemisphere (:
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