Geo Berry Holic Aqua Lens Review (Picture Heavy!)

Juli 8, 2012

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? :3 I bought my last circle lenses about one year ago because I really don’t wear lenses that much. But recently I really wanted to try out some new ones and, as long as I live in Asia, I want to stock up on some lenses so that I don’t need to buy them when I’m back in Germany (shipping fee + time!! Takes usually about 3 weeks :/ )
I decided to buy the Princess Mimi Sesame Grey since I always wanted to try them out (and loved the Apple Green ones!) and the Geo Berry Holic Aqua which I’ll be reviewing here today. I bought them via because of their Geo June Promition where every Geo lens was only 10.99$ which is a great steal! (The Sesame Grey were 11.99$ but I don’t mind 1$ to be honest.) Shipping were 5$ and took about 2 weeks from U.S. to Japan but I can wait if I can get the lenses that cheap. I originally wanted to buy two lenses from Neo Vision but one lens would’ve been 27.99$ that’s why I stayed with the Geo ones! I didn’t had any problems buying via Koreabigeyes, thought shipping would be a bit faster but oh my, I am a patient one. I just know there are a lot of people out there who hate to wait. I got a lot of emails and notifications of the status on my lenses (order finished, shipped etc.) which I liked. 🙂
I chose these two lenses because I wanted one natural and one dramatic pair of lenses. I really like my natural eye color (light blue) so that is why I mostly use aqua, blue or grey toned lenses, I just want to add a little effect to my eyes and not an overall new color 🙂 
The lens arrived very well wrapped at my home and customer care was okay with the shop so I recommend to buy lenses from them! The lens itself looks like a vibrant turquoise with a golden ring in the middle (to blend better with dark eyes I assume). The outer ring is not as dark and artificial as most other lenses. Berry Holic lenses come in 7 different colors; Aqua, Blue, Green, Violet, Brown, Gray and Emerald. Aqua and Emerald are fusions of Blue + Green / Brown + Green which I really like! This is how the Berry Holic look in the vials:
I really like the design and color of this lens ♥ As for the look: I personally think that there are photoshoot lenses and real life lenses. First look great in pictures but may look a bit odd or over the top in real life. However, the Geo Berry Holic lenses are definitely real life lenses. They do look really natural and only support what you already have been given by nature 😀 So for me these lenses are perfect since I really wanted something natural looking to add a bit extravagance to my natural eyecolor. They do enlarge quite a bit, but really not that much. I love how these babies look in real life! They blend very well with my natural eye color (…of course they do, how could blue + blue not blend?!) and give me a darker blue shade with a hint of green. I personally think they don’t look as good in pictures as they do in real life. Oh, and I think they do look similar to the GEO Nudy Golden Blue (I look so different back then.. 😀 )!  However, I totally prefer the Berry Holic over GEO’s Nudy Series; the Berry Holic is a lot more comfortable and I like the design way more. <3
The good thing on doing circle lens review is an excuse for camwhoring mwahaha.

Keep on reading for the full review 🙂 


 Here you clearly see how these lenses blend with my own natural eye color and that it makes my eyes a tad more greenish (which I absolutely don’t mind) :3
(forgot to take pictures before so I did them afterwards :D) can see the difference quite well; I LOVE how these lenses doesn’t make me look like an alien. (Compared to my very first lenses the Angel Grey who looked extremely odd on myself.) Despite being very natural the pattern creates a nice effect on my eyes.
I changed this section quite often since it wasn’t that easy to figure it out. When I first wore these lenses they were average. I felt them but they didn’t itch but I couldn’t really say they were comfortable. However, I “grew” into wearing these lenses and now they are the most comfortable I’ve ever had! I even forgot wearing them and needed to remind myself to take them out! I wore these lenses up to 10 hours with eye drops once and they were still extremely comfy, could’ve wear them even longer if it wasn’t for the health of my eye. Therefore, I rate this lens 10/10!
Design + Color
Keeping in mind that I wanted natural lenses, I totally love the design of this lens! They are natural yet noticeable. I think I will wear these more often than my usual lenses 🙂 Due to the fact that these are not that catchy I wouldn’t prefer these for photoshoots. As for fulfilling my expectations I rate these 9 / 10


I don’t know exactly how to rate this.. enlargement is really poor but that’s exactly what I wanted. But I guess you can’t really expect more from lenses with a diameter of 14.2mm? I can even wear these without using fake lashes! 🙂 Since I like the very shy enlargement is it okay to rate it 10/10? :3
Overall: 9.5 / 10

.. I am really happy with this lens! If you are looking for rather natural lenses to wear these are definitely for you! I think I’ll wear these more often than my other lenses which all are rather bold and I thought about getting these in “blue” shade as well. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask as usual! 🙂
Until next time,
– Sam.
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