Hi everyone! I won’t bore you with the details of why I didn’t post recently and instead will dive right into the review of my very first Kira Kira Crate! I have always been a huge fan of subcription boxes and was very delighted when the kind people of Kira Kira Crate reached out to…
Battle Of The Concealers: Is the Luna Long Lasting Tip Concealer a DUPE for the Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer?
Hi There! Wow, that has to be the longest title of any blog post I’ve ever written. May I let you in on a little secret…? When visiting New York City, I had a looong list of undercover blogging missions. Yep. You read that right. I wasn’t there to amuse myself (well, mainly, but…) but…
Tosowoong Collective Brand Review: Propolis + Aloe Essence, Aloe Face Mist and Super Aqua Cooling Gel!
Hi There, Ever since I posted about my haul from Tosowoong I got constant questions about how the products worked for me. Since I doubt that I’ll ever come around to write up a detailed review for everything, I decided to do a collective review on all the four items that I got. It was…
Get The Glow: Hanyul Luminant Cushion Review in #23
Hi There! If you are still waiting on a response from me in the comments or one of the various emails that I received in the past: I truly am. Being busy is no excuse, but there are days when I can barely off the couch and have to force myself to get to work…
The Saem Urban Eco Harakeke Seed Oil aka The Liquid Gold of K-Beauty
Hi There! In accordance with drowning in stress because of my master thesis now due in a month, I am also drowning my face into rich, moisturizing skincare items as my skin screams for any kind of stress relief. One item that I’ve been using for quite a long time but didn’t get around to…
Banila Co It Radiant Brightening Essence Review or: Her Royal Highness among the Brightening Essences.
Hey There! How have you all been doing lately? Since the summer vacation time in Germany started, all hell broke loose at my workplace (which is at the main station of the German capital). We are currently understaffed, overworked, half of us is at vacation and the other half is sick. Guess which half I…
Summer Essentials: Innisfree Anti-Darkening Fixer
Hey There! Are you in the midst of summer craziness yet? Here in Berlin, we have the weirdest summer to date. One day it is scalding almost-40°C-hot, the next day we have thunderstorms and taifun-like rain. The temperature climbs and falls from day to day and it is slowly but steadily getting to me. For…
Korean Skincare Review: COSRX Aloe Soothing Sun Cream
Hey There! I am so incredibly behind with anything, gosh. I meant to post this..uhm.. 5 days prior to this day but guess what? Not only did I get flooded with early shifts at work that usually leave me ghostly apathic and sleeping at 7PM already, but on top of that the keyboard of my…
One Foundation To Rule Them All: Luna Water Essence Founpact [Rave Review]
Hey There! If you have been wondering why this blog has turned quite silent in the past days/weeks…. I have to submit my Japanese master thesis in LESS THAN A WEEK and I am going CRAZY over this fact and I also finally quit my shitty part-time job and started a new one/went back to…
Korean Skincare Review: COSRX Galactomyces 95 White Power Essence
Hey There! I am making great progress at the moment with my master’s thesis and girls and boys I tell ya IT FEELS SO GREAT! I have been working on this thesis for over a year now and every step took me ages and aeons. I had huge difficulties in finding a suitable topic that…