• Moving In.

    Januar 19, 2013

    Hello my dear readers, How have you all been? As you all may know, these are really busy weeks for me and I can hardly keep my motivation up to blog. I don’t have a single day off and lots of duties are piling on top of each other. It’s good, but I would love…

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  • Look: Ruby / Red from Once Upon A Time

    November 28, 2012

    Hello dearies, I just got inspired by an awesome lady who happened to become my new girl crush. Do you know the TV series Once Upon A Time? I read on some blogs whose writers were obsessed with that series and I decided to give it a go and watch it too. The trailer didn’t…

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  • My First MAC Haul!

    November 12, 2012

    Hello beauties, how are you all doing? It just went super icy cold in Berlin and I am just trying to survive. It’s getting darker and darker much more early every day, this is the period I hate the most. Luckily, the darkest day will be in December and the days will start again to…

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  • Le Freak. (Review + EOTD)

    November 8, 2012

    Hi my dearest boys & girls, (I’m sure there might be some males here as well!) How are you all doing? I am terribly busy with university, learning for my big exam on 12/02, working, making coffee and meeting some beloved people. I never thought there would be a time in my life where I…

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  • Review: Vichy Normaderm Cleansing Line

    Oktober 17, 2012

    Aloha my dear readers, it’s time for another review! I actually really die to do reviews on the make-up products I bought in London (because they are all superb!!) but I simply didn’t have the time so far to take any decent pictures. Plus… but wait, you will get to know the plus reason really…

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  • New hairrr – again! Dip-Dye in Dark & Light Copper

    Oktober 14, 2012

    Hello my lovely readers, those of you who are reading my blog for a while now might maybe remember my accidental dip dye hairstyle when my roommate and I failed the colors. This time it’s done on purpose! Because, to be honest – after having full pink long hair for half a year, just copper…

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  • DIY: How to fix broken eyeshadow

    Oktober 11, 2012

    Good morning my early birds, Did you ever have a beloved eyeshadow – and crushed it accidentally in the morning when you tried to prep yourself for the day? Well that’s not what exactly happened to me – to be precise, I did nothing this time but my boyfriend did in my place. He destroyed…

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  • Color Me Green (Review Astor 24h Perfect Stay Eyeshadow Liner)

    September 3, 2012

    Good evening girls & boys, when I came home I was overflowed with all the new products which got launched while I was overseas, it’s unbelievable! I feel like a foreigner in my home country. It got a bit better after the first two weeks but it still happens that I feel kind of estranged.…

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  • Silver-Pink Inspiration. (EOTD)

    August 3, 2012

    Good evening to all my readers, wait… THANK YOU FOR 100 FOLLOWERS! Was really surprised when I came back to my blog after being busy for a few days and seeing that I hit the hundred mark, wow. Thank you so much! I appreciate everyone of you and I hope you’ll have fun reading this…

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  • La Diamond Jewel Eyeliner Deep Purple Review ( &EOTD)

    Juli 22, 2012

    Twinkle, twinkle little star…. hello my dear readers! *** I hope you are ready for some jewelry-twinkle-glitter-glamour-action, because that’s what we’ll be doing today! 😀 When I went shopping with my roomie, we found these awesome jewel glitter eyeliners with a huge variation of colors that I HAD to buy and try it out. What…

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