Yokohama Bay New Year Boat Trip

Januar 4, 2012
Because I was really busy after New Year’s Eve here are the belated pic’s of my New Year’s Boat Trip in Yokohama Bay with some friends from university here in Japan. Was a supercrazy cool night and illuminated Yokohama is just so beautiful to look at. Only the pics because there’s no great story around them and I’m still busy, last 2 weeks of university are starting THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW. But look forward to my next posts when I’ll reveal my heavy fukubukuro-shopping from January 2nd! (^____^) Until then enjoy the 
pictures (:

Make-up for that night…nothing too special because I would’ve bet the boat totally destroys it anyways :’D But I had little crystals around my eyes, not that visible in the picture ._.
Inside the boat; some students set up a lot of sweets and snacks for us ^-^
View of illuminated Yokohama from the deck of the boat (where I spent my time the whole trip.. inside was just too boring, I mean you could see whole fuckin’ Yokohama!! :p)
On deck with my Italian friends Federica and Paolo and my roommate Pachi
…the final countdown!! I didn’t realize the wheelroad was a clock until the countdown started XD”
There was only little fireworks on the ground, I was rather disappointed…. fireworks in Germany are HUUUUGE!

Went to karaoke with some friends until 6 AM…. everywhere was so fuckin’ crowded that we had to enter the most expensive one .__.”
Sunrise 7 AM station near my university (:
Hope you enjoyed the pictures, look forward to hear from me soon and thanks for reading! <:
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