Things I Need Before I Return Home!

Juni 30, 2012
Lately, the word “return” is always around me. I hated that when I was still in Germany and the word “goodbye” glimmed in everybody’s eyes when they saw me. That really is an awful feeling, I can tell you. I only have about 6 weeks left from my abroad studies in Japan and my friends from my dancing course are giving me that sad look all the time that I nearly burst in tears in the middle of our training, seriously. I hate to say goodbye (naturally, is there anybody out there who actually likes that..?), especially when it is for good. (Or at least for an undefined period of time.) I mean since I am studying Japanese Studies I will of course come back but I don’t know exactly when and how soon it might be and all the people talking about my “leaving” are driving me insane.
On the other hand, since I won’t have as much time as I might need in the end I thought about things I want to buy as long as I can get my hands on them 😀 I am also thinking about places I want to see or things I need to do before I go – but I have to say, Pachi and I did so incredibly much together there isn’t so much left that I really need to do. I would love to visit other places in Japan but I don’t have the money and need to do that somewhen else. I mainly focus on events that are in my reach (a performance with my Yosakoi group, the last MERRY concert before Pachi and I are leaving Japan, a last Anime Goodie Shopping Tour in Akihabara and all that trivial stuff.) I also need to fulfill my 100-Purikura promise I made with Pachi but we only need 13 sheets and my birthday’s around so I have no doubt we make it 😀 I also made a little list with products I insanely need to buy before heading off again. :3
#1 Majolica Majorca Blushes (one pink + one peach shade 😀 )
#2 Majolica Majorca Compact Powder (They have the cutest package ever and I read a lot good reviews about it AND I really need a powder since I don’t own any anymore. And I’d love to take this beauty around all the time in my bag hrhr.)
#3 More BYS Eyeshadow Palettes in every color! ♥
#4 Fairydrops BB Cream
#5 A huuuuge bunch of Diamond Lashes. 5 Packages or something like that, there aren’t really ANY fake lashes in Germany and if, they are pricey and their quality’s bad compared to the average Asian brand.
#6 Diamond Eyelash Fix because you can’t really buy eyelash glue in Germany :<
#7 Etude House Shop I may not buy the whole shop but I tell myself to go to their shop in Tokyo since I arrived and never did because I barely hang out in Shinjuku. But literally everybody’s blogging about their awesome products and the oh-so-cute-packaging so I wanna see for myself if I find something nice in there ^__^Y

I have actually NO IDEA on how to get all my stuff back to Germany without paying hundreds of Dollars for shipping =__= That’s why I’ll mainly buy little products like make-up which doesn’t need space or weighs much. Therefore I won’t buy any clothes or other “big” stuff until I am home again and this will be cruel. I love fashion and I am in need of new clothes all the time although my drawers are exploding ^^”” But I need space. Lots of space to get at least all the important things home .__.” Oh  speaking of packages! Pachi and I received a huuuge package lately from our beloved friend Federica from Italy who studied with us together until February this year <3
Doesn’t this just look plain GREAT?! She wrote us handwritten letters; one for each of us and gave us two squid plushies. That was amazing because the plushies were truly us. She knows us so well it hurts! Pachi’s squid is purple and looks like a sir with it’s mustache and monocle. Mine is green (my favorite color!) and has a huge pink bow on its head and makes the lips as if she wants to kiss you XD

They are the cutest I’ve ever seen! 😀 She also send us chocolate, handmade sugo (Italian tomato sauce) and handmade blueberry jam (tasted awesome!!). Federica even sent us HALF A KILO PARMESAN. I first thought it’s a giant slice of cheesecake and wondered how the cake could survive that long a journey, LOL. We are making spaghetti every single day since then. Ah, we really do miss her she was the best mate ever and studying with her was just… ah. We miss her. But we’ll meet again! Germany and Italy isn’t that far away actually, I once was on holiday where she lives 😀 This package just really made our day.

I also redid my hair, I love how vibrant the color the first two weeks looks! Unfortunately it fades away veryyy soon after the first two weeks with looking not so nice in the last week before dyeing it again .__.” And my bangs finally grew out 😀 Right before summer, I am super proud of my great timing, LOL. Will get a decent haircut once I am back home. (there it is, again.)
I don’t know how to end this post since it is truly random. I have lots of ideas to post and still a review on hold.. I am not so sure who actually accesses my blog right now and who doesn’t so I think I hold back the important stuff a bit longer to make sure nobody misses it -sounds like I have something important to say actually!- I am sorry for any inconvenience my blog name change may have caused T__T”
Hope to see you next time!
– Sam.
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