The Color Of Water. [Face Of The Day]

April 24, 2015

Hey There!

I just finished a busy day of working on my thesis and some late-night sheet mask action paired with video editing magic! Next post will be a haul video and you’d get it right now if Youtube wouldn’t take like 2305283 days to upload files. Yeah. That’d be great. (We might get our new internet connection with at least double the speed in a week or two – it’s hard when two Youtubers live under one roof! “Don’t you dare crowd my connection” were threads that have been made.)#
I made a promise to myself this year: I will put more effort into my make-up looks again. I have been incredibly lazy these past.. two.. years… but when you’re living abroad with only one eyeshadow palette and weird classmates, would you bother with make-up? Right. I have a make-up stash that screams for attention and I am happy to comply; so various looks and FOTD posts will hopefully find their way into this blog! :3 (and if not…..there is always Instagram.)

I usually am not a blue eyeshadow person – having light blue eyes gifted by nature, I always felt blue eyeshadow a way too lazy and easy “way out” and have therefore been avoiding this color on my lids most of my life (and I honestly wanted to create a look around the color green first…) but I guess, I just have to embrace it. To have it at least somewhat balanced I opted for a blue-colored waterline and silvery hues on the lids – and my beloved black eyeliner. I’m not a real person without eyeliner.

Smoked out the silver with a muddy grey and blended like no tomorrow – I don’t want to look like a discoball when I have to go to work the same day! Overall I’m pleased as to how this turned out but I wished I had a real prussian blue or something electric in my stash to make the waterline pop more – will def. put some electric flashy colors on my wishlist soon :3 A dark matte blue would have been so cool….
Recreate the look:
Really love that black Sephora eyeliner I got in a swap with my friend Filo! The BYS palette is quite old already; I bought it about 3-4 years ago when I first studied in Japan – I wish I got more of the animal insticts palettes, they are insanely pigmented! Same goes for all colors in Sleek’s Original palette that was used for this look – I bought this one together with my cousin when we did a trip to London. If only I had more money to go again… D:

Do you have a color that you always dodge usually when it comes to make-up?

Have a nice weekend!
Lots of love,


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