Hello my lovely readers,
As you may know, I will be on vacation starting this Friday! I can’t really believe it’s already holiday time, I am so busy with work and university that it’s kinda strange to cut through and take a week off. (I’ve never been away during university time.) But the only vacation my cousin has from work is in the middle of May, so… nothing we could do about it 😀 I’ve been several times on vacation with my cousin (with her parents, alone in London, camping) but this will be our first “real” vacation alone far away from home on the beach! Usually I’d go with my boyfriend but since he’s graduating this summer he’s too busy to relax in the sun. My cousin and I will go to Turkey! 😀 Never been there before so I am really excited.
Actually there were some hardships with this trip… we booked an amazing hotel but it’s not finished yet so we are transfered to another hotel. I don’t mind it THAT much but still it’s a bit sad. However, her parents, who went one week before us, were transfered to the same hotel as well and said it’s pretty great! So we are even more excited now that we don’t know what we have to expect…^^”
You know what’s the best part of a vacation..? Right, the shopping for the vacation! I absolutey love going shopping for such an amazing event like holiday. You see summer everywhere in the stores and browse through to search dresses and sunglasses and imagine how your vacation might be. 🙂 Especially when you live in Berlin where it is every year unsure if we’ll really get a summer or not. Sometimes we’re lucky, sometimes it’s only really summer warm for two weeks. Therefore I am really really looking forward to hang around at the beach <3 Here’s what I bought in preparation for our trip :3
1. I don’t really like sunglasses, I think they don’t suit me. However, I really need them if I don’t wanna go blind while reading on the beach. I really wanted some popping color and was so happy when I found these lime-colored ones! I think the color looks really great with my actual hair shade 🙂
2. Found this dress and fell in love. So simple, so easy. I love the simple cut and the fact that it has skulls on it but still looks so cute 🙂
3. My mom bought these flip flops as a present! THANK YOU MOM <3 I love these, they are so comfy. I don’t like flip flops as well, they aren’t my favorite choice of shoe. But these, I like. So sweet my mom always thinks of me. :’)
4. Third book of Murakami’s novel 1Q84! I read the first two books and wow, such a great story. I’ve been a fan for long now but I think this could be his masterpiece. Wanted to read the third book for so long but thought it might be awesome to wait for the vacation 😀
I’ll be of course taking my camera with me and share lots of pictures with you guys! 🙂 This time I’ll take my own camera so I’ll make sure I have access to the pictures, not like my trip in April <.< (STILL waiting for the pics….) I also thought it would be fun to share some music with you guys so I made my own summer holiday mix! ^__^ These are songs I really like atm and they will accompany me everyday when I lay around at the beach. Have fun listening! 🙂
1. Lonesome Rider – Volbeat
(my absolute fav song at the moment – just wanna dance when the refrain plays!)
2. City Lights Cry – Armistice
3. Middle Of June – Noah Gundersen
4. Bedroom Eyes – Dum Dum Girls
5. Stars – Mark Owen
6. Be My Escape – Relient K
7. Goodbye, Goodbye – Tegan and Sara
8. Help – Hurts
I prepared some blog posts for you in advance so that it won’t be as quiet on my blog 🙂 My cousin is taking her laptop with her so maybe I’ll even make a quick update, we’ll see! If not, I hope you all will have a great week and don’t miss me too much 😛
Lots of love & Talk to you soon!