Sophie & Toffee Blogger Contest!

Mai 10, 2012
I already forgot about that…. until a few days ago, when I received an Email from Sophie & Toffee which is my favorite shop for decoden goods! Most of you know that I am totally in love with decorating my everyday life products like iPod, mobile phone etc. with little cupcakes and whipped cream and and and…

So I got that email from Sophie & Toffee in which they said that I got elected for their April’s blogger site! They hosted a contest where you could present your blog to them if you had ever blogged about their shop or their goods. Since I am a huge fan and supporting them now for more than two years, I sent them an email and forgot about it as soon as I sent it in. Until they answered I got selected and linked on their site, AND that I’ll receive a voucher for purchases on their site!! I absolutely couldn’t believe that they really picked me! 😀 They already sent me my voucher worth $30 which I really really do appreciate (also since I am totally broke this month, lol.).

When I read that I felt SO lucky. I love their sweet goodies and I wanted to purchase something soon, since my iPod case broke and half of my deco-stuff fell off. If you’re interested in my previous decoden posts you can visit them here and here and here. I also bought some books about decoden from the Japanese amazon recently (Need to buy so many books before I get home..) so expect more sweets and macharons to come! 

Look! 😀 There am I, bottom corner on the left with my already broke iPod case :< You can get to this page by clicking HERE.
I just stumbled about the campaign when I wanted to purchase some new deco stuff and found myself surprised since it is the first time their shop’s hosting something like this! I don’t know how long they keep this campaign going but you can still apply for being selected as May’s blogger! So if you have a blog on your own and ever wanted or already did blog about their shop, it’s your turn to apply and maybe get something back. You can apply by simply send them an email with a link to your blog or entries you’ve made.
I am very thankful to be selected so we can support each other. I totally recommend this store since I only had very positive experiences with them. For example I chose the wrong shipping method (the cheaper one accidentally) but they still sent it in for the cheaper price! I also once purchased everthing twice due to a problem with my browser and cancellation and refund was also no big deal. I like how active they respond to their costumers, I always get a feedback after one or two days. <:
So if you love sweet stuff like I do, this shop is definitely for you! I hope they keep on going for many many years because I have no idea where I should get my stuff from if they chose to close their shop :3 So now… shopping time! I’ll have a hard time to decide which stuff to get next :3

Until next time,

– Sam.

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