Februar 11, 2015

Good evening everybody,

I had this in my mind for quite a long time and also got quite some requests to go Youtube (yes, go Youtube is a verb!) Being quite the chatty person myself I was never averse to the idea but I simply had nothing to record with! The DSLR I got 8 years ago sadly doesn’t have a video function (I wasn’t blogging back then – at least not like I’m now) so I always crossed that out for one of those “later” things. I’m proud to say that “later” just became now! With finally getting a good smartphone that has a surprisingly nice video recording ability I decided to do the jump and try out myself in uncharted waters. AND I’M QUITE NERVOUS ABOUT IT BUT THAT’S OKAY.
A while back, my lovely friend Filomena from Filosophie and I decided to have a (make-up heavy) secret swap – we intended to send out Christmas packages but honestly just made it to the middle of January. Ain’t nobody got time for Christmas packages! Long story short, as we both are dipping our toes into the video genre, we decided to do an unoxing video for our readers! (and more importantly, to see how the other liked our package..) She’s a really cool person and you should totally watch out for her as she’s preparing to jump into Youtube for realz. Anyway, I’m just trying to delay here so have fun with my very first Youtube video! If you want to skip all those snacks, start from 06:00. 😀
And if you’re curious now what goodies I sent her from Korea, make sure to watch her video too (she’s hilarious):

(…note how she only needs half of the time because she’s much more on point than I am, lol.)

..overall, this was so much fun! I really liked putting her gifts together and that excitement when her package arrived! As you can see, I loved everything she got me (and unlike her, I still have half of my snacks waiting for me 😛 )

I’d really like to do more videos in the future and will probably get used to being in front of the camera. I hope you liked this, feedback is welcome, and if you liked it SUBSCRIBE!! It would make my day. Also, what kind of content would you like in videos? Tell me everything!

That’s it, too much excitement for one day.
Lots of love,


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