Hello my lovely readers,
I have to commit: I’ve been lazy. I would’ve gotten a lot of opportunities to write this post sooner but I just couldn’t get the motivation to do it. Although I’m not that busy I feel constantly drained and need a lot of freetime – I play the awesome PS3 game Ni no Kuni all night long at the moment. It’s so hard! 😀 Do you know Studio Ghibli? The whole game looks like one of their movies, it’s so great! Try if you’re a gamer like I am 🙂
First week of university started… well, two weeks ago. But since I didn’t know that the second week was my personal first week XD Pachi and I missed all classes because the dates were wrong on the internet (however…. all the other students somehow got the right dates <.<” ). In 3 1/2 years I haven’t been late and now I miss the first week of my very last term of university, tse. I didn’t really miss much though; I only have three courses and two of them are voluntarily, just out of personal interest. The other one is the kolloquium for my bachelor’s thesis BUT it was cancelled until 8th of May, lol. So I’ve got not so much to do for university…. and I’m not motivated because I have too much free time.
I’ve got a lot motivation to shop though! Although I’m pretty much broke again this month (because I had to pay more than 100 bucks for the train to the scholarship interview… I’ll get the money back but in May.) I absolutely needed to buy some new stuff. I didn’t buy anything despite urgent stuff to live since November…. so yeah, I pretty much think I deserved some shopping!! 😀 Since I didn’t have that much money I went with my cousin to Primark which I don’t like that much but was the cheapest option. (I usually try to refuse such services because these very very low prices make me think of how they must’ve been made… I mean, shoes for 3€? There must be some blood on it, honestly.)
Due to the fact that I almost didn’t buy anything for half a year I bought quite some stuff 😡 And my cousin absolutely has NO talent in holding me back!! 😀 😀 😀
Came home with two giant bags. Had one hour to hide before boyfriend would’ve come home :’D
Love all the shoes! I wanted to buy new shoes for sooooo long. Last pair I bought in autumn when I came home from Japan.. the slippers for work are really comfy and I love those sparkly studded nude sandals. Guess who’ll be wearing these in her vacation…? The studded sneakers are also comfy as heaven, love these with jeans! <3
The bikini! 😀 I wasn’t able to snap a good picture of it but it’s studded and has beanies and it’s awesome! Will take pictures on vacation. Maybe. If I didn’t gain weight with all the inclusive meals xD” It sits really well I thought. The jeans is super soft and has a greyish-blue tone which I like so much! Unfortunately it’s a bit too wide in the hip (as always with most pants…) so I need a belt ._.” I also bought some birthday gifts for a friend.. I made her a holiday pack with sweets, towels etc. (:
Not exciting but really comfy shirt. I’ll wear this when I’ll be home all day long doing university stuff on my laptop (: It has bat sleeves! Love bat sleeves. Love everything comfy actually… I’ve become so lazy @_@””
I also made a little H&M + Gina Tricot haul with my Glamour Shopping Card but I’ll save that for another post! Wish you all a happy new week with lots of success and love and everything! <3
Lots of Love & Talk to you all soon!