January Shopping Joy
Hello my precious readers,
& a heartly welcome to all new readers who found this blog, thank you so much! You and your comments make my day 🙂 I’m so glad to have such active readers who are writing shitloads of comments, I appreciate your input a lot! Recently visited other blogs who had like 3000+ followers but barely a comment. That’s just sad because communication is what makes blogging exciting! At least for me. But back to the topic of this post!
I almost survived the university & work hell in January. I didn’t have a single day off until today actually. Only this weekend and then I’ll be free again! Well, I still have university and work, but I have a different timesheet and will have one or maybe two days off a week and I am SO looking forward to it. Didn’t have any time to meet up with friends this month. So lucky that I’m studying together with my ex-roommate from Japan, Pachi. SO GLAD YOU’RE THERE. Lots and lots of quality time this month <3
Since I didn’t really spent any money in November and December (despite presents) I decided I will pamper myself this month a bit. Plus, January is the month of winter sale and some windows looked just too promising to just go by. Plus, I didn’t buy any clothes in like AGES. (Usually I’m buying an awful lot of stuff. Too much fashion on this planet.) So that’s why I got a little excited this month and decided to buy a few things I really wanted for a long time now and here’s what I got! 🙂 (Sorry for crappy pictures, only carried my mobile phone around this month)
I wanted a fake fur hat with this kinda design for a really long time now! When I found this amazing fluffy dalmatiner style hat at sale at H&M for only 5€ I knew I didn’t have any time to lose! I only found these in one store, guess they were sold out quite quickly.
I’m a dress girl. As you maybe know from my “Why I hate pants” post I made earlier 😀 I think the last dress I bought was in summer when I was still in Japan. I loooove dresses and this one was love at first sight. I was spotting some sugarskull designs online here and there but nothing really caught my attention. This wasn’t on sale because it was part of the new spring collection they already launched but honestly, I didn’t care. I needed it. I wanted it. So I bought it 😀 (P.S. I dyed my hair again, it’s a light copper now. I may turn blonde next time, who knows!)
Now that was a long lovestory. Originally, I fell in love with this watch but it wasn’t available anywhere online. So I visited the local Fossil store and there – it was!! I got all excited, tried it on and… wasn’t really sure of how it was the right one. The color’s much more gold than rose in real life and it looked a bit too colorful with the stones…. since I liked that particular modell, I tried on all the color combinations they had 😀 In the end, when she handed me the last watch, which was this one, I knew this was the one I wanted! I think it’s much more pretty in real life, the pictures don’t do the watch justice. Actually I wanted a watch for some months now and I am so happy that I got this one. Also, the color combination goes much better with most of my clothes. I wear it every single day and I’m happy when I look at the time 😀 Big big neverending love. I wouldn’t mind buying the rose gold version though if I had the money laying around. With 139€ this was definitely the most expensive investment I made in a long time. (But I hope it’ll last me a good bunch of years!)
I already have a winter coat and didn’t really need this, but. BUT I WANTED A PARKA. I found this one at Ebay and for only 20€ who could say no? I usually don’t buy clothes online because I always fear it won’t fit. I even measured myself but the measurements given by the site were completely wrong (if the chart would’ve been right, I would’ve needed size XS. No way I’m gonna fit in an Asian XS size. I ordered L size and am completely fine with it!)
…this is how I look in university 😀 Undone hair with big headphones so nobody would speak to me (I’m currently doing my minors and ohgawd, I’ve got some dumb people in my classes..) Actually I was surprised at what good quality this coat was!! It’s from China so I really didn’t expect extraordinary quality. But, the material is really nice and fluffy (even the oliv material on the surface) and the fluffy stuffing inside is also in the arms! It’s incredibly warm (didn’t freeze at minus 10 degrees!) and overall I am really happy with it. Couldn’t ask for more for 20€! If you’re interested, I bought it here.
I also went to the hairstylist, went to the cinema three times and ate outside in restaurants a lot. Guess I spent 300€ this month on shopping and enjoying life so I really have to save some money next month! I just love quality time with my friends, watching good movies and eating pretty amazing stuff, wish it was more affordable 🙂 I also bought a new phone case because the one you see on the pictures broke 🙁 But that’ll be the last thing I buy this month (Luckily January’s almost over…mwahaha.)
Actually I have a loooot to tell you and at least 5 topics for future posts already in my head, so prepare to hear more from me from next week on again! 🙂 Thank you for waiting for me & I hope you all had an amazing time! (If not, I wish you an amazing weekend. I’ll be in university until late Saturday.
Much love & hope to talk to you all soon!