Imagine an interesting title for a more interesting post. (In short: lashes, nails and some random I-am-frustrated-stuff)

November 15, 2011
These days I’m pretty exhausted because of university. We have tons of stuff to do which I cannot handle and have no freetime at all. I bought a new Game Boy DS Game which was on retail at my local Tsutaya but I barely have time to do that (;__;)  I’m so happy when Christmas holidays’ll finally arrive! T__T
I wanted you to show my most favorite type of lash since I came to Japan! I’m still amazed because of the widespreadness… they have everything here. At home I was happy when I actually found fake lashes, haha. Most of you know that I’m a HUGE fan of Diamond Lash. They are pretty cheap valued at the price and quality in which they come. I never had the guts to try the more “heavier” ones except for party but I was always disappointed when the lashes were barely noticable. Sooooo I grabbed something more visable a month ago and wear them on a kind of daily basis (depending on how lazy I’m in the morning, haha.) So the ones I’ using since  a month are Diamond Lash Cats Eye Type.
Love LOVE them!!

Close-Up. (Was in a rush so I totally forgot mascara above and underneath xD)
They are supervisable but still don’t look too much. Well a bit, but if one wouldn’t see the artificialty it would be a bit pointless, wouldn’t it? Another thing I’m obsessed with since I came to Japan are… NAILS.  Back in Germany I worked at the local Starbucks as a Barista so I was never allowed to wear nail polish or other things. Because it was forbidden for me most of the time (worked half time which meant every second day..) I’m now craving for nice nail ideas!! Returning to Germany I’ll continue working at Starbucks so I have to take advantage out of my situation!  I browsed some random vids and shops at Rakuten, these are my favorites I found:
I ADORE them. Definitely buying them… if I found out what size I’ll need u.u

both found at store Sumireiro at Rakuten

yep…. I like dots. And white, black and pink/red.

This simply is adorable!
Unfortunately I’m totally crappy at making my nails… most of the time it ends up smashing because I was too impatient and destroyed my whole design. (but it takes seeeriously a looooong time to dry, I could freak out =__=) Think I’ll buy the first ones tomorrow if I find something with which I can measure my nails.. don’t wanna spent money on nails which don’t fit. (oh and it takes great strength to hold me back from just buying it right now.)
Despite of all these things I’m doing quite fine… university is superexhausting. And relationship with my boyfriend is kinda frustrating. Since the clock change day (Europe takes the clock one hour later than in summer; which means its now 8 hours which are separating us and no longer 7.)  This may sound less but; he usually came home when it was 11PM here so I could manage to talk to him until midnight. Now he rarely manages to come home at midnight which means I would’ve have to be awake until 1PM at least. But most of the time I’m just very very tired starting at 11PM so I cannot manage to talk to him. Weekend isn’t any better because I have so much duties and things I have to attend (you’re quite busy as a German on a Japanese university =__=). So, yeah. This fact that we barely talk frustrates me very much at the moment. But I think at this time I cannot do anything against it…
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