Happy Pika Pika New Year!
Belated New Year (again) Lovely Readers!
I told you it would come a bit later but it would definitely come – my personal New Year’s Eve post! I promise to keep it as short and simple as it can get. So how do you guys usually welcome the New Year? Since the age of 14 or 15, we always, always partied at my best friend’s home Stuffi. Her parents have a house in Berlin and they always go on vacation or visit their friends so we always have their house for ourselves! That’s really great and I appreciate the opportunity ^__^
I’m not a fan of huge anonymous clubs where you lose mostly all of your friends but I am a huge fan of house parties. You have all your beloved friends, you can dance and sing, you get drinks and food and you can go home or even sleep on the sofa if you want. Yes, I’ve always been a “homie” when it comes to parties. For some years now we always chose a theme for NYE. This year’s theme was “Video Games” which I didn’t think to be that great but I was in Japan when they voted so, well. Nobody cared 😀 As soon as I heard the theme I felt safe with my Pikachu kigurumi. And that’s when it all started. We decided to cut in the annual pizza we make and decide to do some sort of buffet; everybody brings a dish and we throw it all together in the end. Best decision ever! We played a lot of Singstar (my friends and I loooooove Singstar since the first game was released. It’s a party must have for us.), played some board games (which ended quite horrible because we all were too drunk to play and started to fight, lol), drank and filled the heaven with colorful fireworks <3
1. With my cousin Jacky 2. Some of the food we had: Cheese & field garlic soup, pizza bites, chicken nuggets, vegetarian noodle salad. vegetarian potatoe salad, baked potatoes with tomatoes and chicken and bread. 3. Singstar!!
1. All the great people! From left top to right bottom: Someone from “Resident Evil” we all didn’t know, Luigi, Mario, Streetfighter, Link (Zelda), Pikachu, Toad (Mario), Lara Croft and Chris, who forgot which theme we chose. 2. My cousin and I always light sparklers together, it’s a tradition. 3. Link trying to kill Toad 😀
Also tradition: Taking a picture in front of the gate to their house. We have one picture of each year! 🙂 2. & 3. It looked like war in our street! OMG IT WAS SO LOUD!! It has never been THAT loud before, I soon tried to get back inside because I HATE the noise. There was a lot of pretty firework though 🙂
1. Some of our personal firework 😀 We almost set a car on fire. By accident, of course. 2. My three best friends with me!! We are a four-girls-crew for a lot of years. I’ve known Winnie (left) since 1st grade, Jacky my cousin since she was born obviously and Stuffi since 8th grade when she came to our class to repeat it. (: Love these girls! <3
Party ended for my cousin and I at about 3 AM when we decided to head home because we were kinda tired. But it was such a great party! Everyone took a lot of effort with their costumes (Well, everybody except for me…) and it was good to see everybody. I usually see these people mabye once a month. We all have jobs or school or university or other stuff so this may be the only time of the year when we ALL are together. And it felt good. It’s a gift to be with people you love on such a special day, isn’t it..?
I hope you all had a great NYE and will have an amazing start into 2013! 🙂
Much love & See you soon,