Dear precious readers,
As I told you some posts ago, the very first Forever21 store opened in Berlin just some days ago! I was of course curious enough to go to the opening day – I went there at 9:30 (opening was 10AM) and it was crowded like hell. Seriously, I was so surprised! The Nelly event one evening before wasn’t crowded at all but I think much more people knew about the store opening – there were at least 500 people already waiting for open doors!
Needless to say I wasn’t one of the lucky ones to get a goodie bag – and I didn’t even try when looking at how long the queue already was! I didn’t even stand in line, I climbed a tree nearby (lol) to take some pictures of the waiting line 😀 When the doors opened I just squeezed myself into the line somewhere because I wanted to just take a look at the store inside. I heard afterwards that only people who stood there from 8AM got a goodie bag… curious as I am, I tried to look inside the gift bags of other girls and have to say: not impressing at all. What I could see looked really cheap and not nice at all…
I looked at other blogs and they told me that the content of the bag was: some in-ear phones, a foldable bag, a travel set with small bags of different size (for shower gels etc.) and a mens tank top in size L. I don’t know much about the gift voucher but I think I would’ve been rather disappointed with this content, considering I waited 2+ hours for this. (Found it at another blog: voucher was 10€ which isn’t even enough for a single shirt. I know they won’t give away super amazing stuff for 300 people but seriously, I would’ve been so disappointed! I think if you give away stuff, you should at least try a bit harder… just my honest opinion, I hope the ones who received the bag were happy 🙂 )
..soo many people! 😮
I just rushed really quick from floor 1 to 4 before it would get too crowded. I didn’t buy anything because I prefer a much more chilled atmosphere… hate when it’s packed like this! I think with 4 floors it is definitely worth a visit, I shopped a lot at F21 when I was in Japan (because it was one of the very few shops who sold my size LOL.. too fat for Japanese stores. Very sad, but true.) I think I’ll have a shopping trip in July when my salary arrived 😀 I recommended everyone to not go there at least in the first two weeks because it might be crowded like hell. Think it should be okay by now (except for the weekends, maybe.)
Dress: H&M Loop Shawl: Gina Tricot Blazer: H&M Beanie: Lazy Oaf Exlusive by Asos
Snapped my outfit of that day 🙂 There was really strange weather that day (windy + looked like rain) so I decided for my usual dress + tights + blazer + accessoires so that I could take off in case of sudden heat (which didn’t occur, of course.) I just love that lazy oaf beanie, wearing it all the time when it’s raining – and it’s raining a lot in Berlin.
Tryin’ to look fresh at 9 AM saturdays. Just some of these make-ups where I was uncreative in the morning. But at least being a good blogger, capturing pictures all the time! 😀 I actually love how light my hair got, always wanted long blonde hair… well, at least first step accomplished ^-^
To make this post a bit more meaningful, I browsed through the Forever21 online store and wanted to share with you my favorite pieces! I really like the accessoires they have at the moment, might be worth a look 🙂 I’m very excited and might report about my first “real” shopping experience in Berlin, I’ll keep you guys updated!
Was really excited about the jewellry and shoes… so nostalgic to shop at F21, since it was my shop-to-go in Tokyo. (I know there are like thousand better stores but oh well, the money… F21 was always the cheapest option you could get there. If I could, I would’ve bought the whole line of Glad News right away!) Hope you liked this post although I didn’t get any goodiebags or hauls to show off here 🙂 Wish you all a pleasent day & hopefully talk to you all soon!
Much love,