Oktober 15, 2013

Hey my loved ones,

How have y’all been? It’s been a very long first week in Bonn, it takes time before everything’s settled! A lot of you have encouraged me in the comments that they support me going there and doing that crazy scholarship study thing and I just wanted to say thank you! I’ll definitely keep you up to date as soon as something interesting happens 😀
First week was all about orientation and going from one bureau to the other to get things fixes… so much paperwork if you settle into a new city! Didn’t really think much about it before coming here.. so glad we had only a little bit of preparation stuff in university and a lot of time for all this paperstuff to get done with it. You see, Bonn is a very small city compared to Berlin so I almost feel comfortable now 😀 I know most of the ways, from my home to the university, to cafés, supermarkets and drugstores which is the most basic things you’ll need after settling. I am slowly making friends with this new city of mine.
What I have to say is, that the university in Bonn is sooo much more organized than my home university, wow. There are so many introduction courses for literally everything on campus, they are having a bar-hopping event to welcome the new students and lots of other events, it really is amazing and it helps a lot if you moved here from far away like me.
I got to know the people I study with and since we receive scholarship and everything we are only four (including me!). The last week, we spend almost everyday together, grabbing coffee, going to preparation courses and all that stuff. It really is amazing that we connected so fast and I am happy that we spend so much time together 🙂 It definitely helps with the home blues! I took some visual impressions for you of Bonn so you get an idea where I live now until February!
Main station in Bonn where I arrived! It has 4 platforms which is kinda sweet xD
Part of the city center. It has a very vast city center with loooots of shops from international brands like Zara, Mango and others, I was so surprised! Definitely didn’t expect that since Bonn is such a small town. But well, it was capital once, so.. 😉
Marketplace / historic center where really a lot of markets happen during the week. You can buy super cheap vegetables and fruit here!
My university 🙂 I’m passing that gate everyday since the bus stop is a bit behind that gate and the Asian institution ist just a bit to the right! I love that the university in Bonn is mainly one huge old building where mot of the lessons happen. In Berlin, university is splitted aaaaall over Berlin with more than 100 buildings which I didn’t like that much back then.
As you can see, Bonn has a lot of beautiful architecture – but again, it was the capital once. I can definitely understand why they moved the capital – Bonn is extremely narrow. The streets are narrow as hell and it gets packed very easily especially during certain hours. I wouldn’t want to live forever here but for half a year it will be just fine 🙂
This week, we still only have preparation / organization courses and lessons will start from next week on. Since we are part of that special program, our schedule isn’t quite fixed yet, we hope to solve that tomorrow. Also, Korean language course will start next week, eeeek! That’s the lessons we all four look most forward to 🙂 I can’t say how incredibly happy I am that I will be in Japan and Korea next year, yay!! I’m alreadx reading Seoul/Korean shopping blogs, just to prepare myself.. 😀
Well that’s all for now, thank you so much for your support and hope you got a little impression from my everyday life – since these are the things I see almost everyday at the moment 🙂 Tomorrow we all will be driving to Cologne to IKEA!
Lots of love,

P.S. Oh for all of you who understand German – I started a new blog for this 2-year-period for my family and friends, feel free to follow me there if you wanna know in detail about my journey 🙂
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