Happy new day my beloved readers,
To keep things short: WE WERE SUCCESFUL! As you know, Pachi and I attended the opening event of this year’s Nelly High Heel Tour in Germany. The first event was happening in Asphalt club in Berlin, next to the Berlin Hilton Hotel. We arrived at about 19:45, event was scheduled to start at 21:00. To our big surprise there was nearly nobody there!! O.O Only 14 people were already standing in line… I expected A LOT of people to come (I mean, free shoes, right..?? I thought there might be 500 crazy girls waiting already..) but at the same time we were so happy to have an almost 100% of really getting shoes ^-^ It didn’t get as crowded as I expected; I think in the end a bit more than 100 people were waiting in line.
Event started as scheduled, first they let in some people/bloggers with VIP-Tickets (I think about 20 people, maybe..?) and after that we entered! I was SO excited, you can probably tell 😀 We got vouchers for the free shoes, a goodiebag and a free drink. We grabbed the Moet sparkling wine for free and made our way through the shoe displays. Since we were one of the first to enter we hurried until it would get really crowded and decided for some shoes. We both didn’t need much time because we fell head over heels in love for a certain pair of shoes :DD I made sure to take lots of pictures for you guys, I mean, it was my very very first event to attend as a blogger!! Exciting and we just had so much fun. 🙂
Outfit + Make-up of the day. I love this dress! (Surprised how long my hair already got..)
Dress: Vero Moda, Studded Jeans Vest: Gina Tricot, Studded heaband: 109 Machida, Wedges: Esprit
Waiting excited for the entry :3 (Pachi refused to take her cap off to not look that zombie-ish.)
Of course everyone needed a picture of their favorite pair 🙂
Pachi and I being no serious bloggers and derping about shooeees 😀
I didn’t count them, but I think there were about 30 pairs that we could chose from, now that I think of it. The Nelly staff was super friendly and helped with making the right choice. Pachi and I never had Nelly shoes before so we didn’t know which size to chose… the staff members even let us try their shoes to see how the shoes would fit :DD So… what kind of pair did we chose? You curious?
My choice and still soooo in love with this shoe!! I mean… that awesome lime color + studs + big large heel (I hate those heels with super high but extra slim heels… can’t walk in those!) + strappy + peeptoe = BIG LOVE! I hope I get those…. we were asked to fill in 3 different choices, in case one shoes isn’t available anymore. I really really really hope that I get this shoe, it’s really awesome. I chose to other ones in black which are fine too, but just fine. Not awesome ;D The shoes will be sent to us in 4 – 8 weeks they said… would love to already have them ^w^
Pachi really is not the kind of girl that wears high heels so we had the plan she would chose a pair for me instead. But luckily, there were two(!!) shoes without a heel but with a platform insetad. She already wanted platform chucks back when we were in Japan and I’m sooo happy she now can have them!! ^__^ I think she was the only one ordering non-high-heels.. xD But she was so happy so I was too. 🙂 Time to open the goodiebags, shall we…? They gave out the bags at the end of the event so it was exciting until the end!
We received a goodiebag from Nelly and a Glossybox! Really didn’t expect that. I was really thrilled because of the Glossybox….
…but in the end, the Glossybox wasn’t able to “wow” me. I mean, cotton pads and baby cream and hundreds of the same sample?? Well… no, didn’t impress me at all. I was really happy about the glossing hair care product, will try this def. out. I also really liked the lipstick which was included, it’s kind of a dusty nude rose and suits me very well! Mine was broken sadly so Pachi gave her to me since she never uses lipstick anyway.
Nelly bag: German gossip magazine and a tote bag from kidneykaren. Don’t know what to say about this… Tits&Ass?? Seriously? Who would use a bag like this? I found it quite offending to be honest and quite sexist. I don’t wanna be reduced to my tits and my ass. Maybe it was supposed to be funny or ironic and I don’t get it, but.. No, just no. Didn’t like it at all. Bummer, kidneykaren, real bummer. Was happy with the magazine though, love to read gossip from time to time!
Rest of Nelly bag: Jellybelly beans, Sugarfree redbull, L’oreal facial cream and volume shampoo, kidneykaren…thing to warm your kidneys (who wears such stuff??? I mean, other than bikers.), little Zookie bag, Paul Mitchell freeze and shine style spray (curious about that!) and a make-up pouch from Zoeva with eyeliner, primer, mineral shadow and two make-up brushes.
I never heard of a beauty brand called Zoeva but I’m really curious! I already tried the eyeliner which seems to be really good! I got a bronzing gold mineral shadow, Pachi got a silver one. I could’ve used the silver one much more but well, let’s see. Maybe I can make use of the bronzing one too. I love the litte Zookie pouch and I definitely appreciate the hair styling stuff. For the rest…. I didn’t like it that much but that highly differs from person to person I guess. 🙂
All in all this has been an amazing event and I want to thank Nelly for hosting this!! I would definitely go again if I had the chance 🙂 I’ll let you know when the shoes arrive but it might take some time. As for my first event I had so much fun!! Can’t wait to attend the next one. THANK YOU NELLY!
I hope you found this post as interesting as I found the event itself. Hopefully I’ll be able to attend more in the future! ^-^ Wish you all a happy weekend, I’ll have some university stuff to do + work tomorrow.
Lots of love & Talk to you soon!