Accidental Dip-dye Hairstyle + Inspirational Post

Juni 8, 2012
 First, let me welcome all my new subscribers! ♥ 
Thank you for more than 50 readers in such a short time, you guys & girls are awesome!

….short before my performance on the Yosakoi dance festival I wanted to retouch my roots with the Palty Sakura Doughnut hairdye. (Look at the color on the package, THE PACKAGE!!) I didn’t dye my roots for about two months because I thought the pink would cover it but nope, the pink fell off my natural hair after showering twice and it looked pretty disgusting. Well, at the end…. AS ALWAYS the color of the Palty hairdye turned out nowhere near the color which was displayed on the package and left me with that semi-dip-dye-hairstyle for two weeks now.

Since only the upper third of my hair is light brown/copper/whatever you might call it it’s not an actual dip-dye hairstyle. I was now thinking about dyeing it again half/half and only retouching my lengths with the pink to get a real dip-dye hair style OR should I just throw the pink all over my hair like I did the last months? Any advice? What would you guys & ladies prefer? (I guess the dip-dye would look better with a more *cool* tone like some ash shade maybe?) I need to redye my hair in August when I will continue to work at my local Starbucks anyway so I thought maybe my boss would at least tolerate the pink ends. If not, it’s easier to redye it that way as when my hair would be fully pink. Gna, I really don’t know…. let me know your opinions please! (>__<)””
Onto something completely different; I wanted you to show you one of my biggest inspirations the last month! I adore the model Madeline Rae Mason her style and attitude is great! I would walk around with every single style I’ve seen so far on her! All pictures are taken from Julia Trotti and every single picture belongs to her amazing work. you should check out her blog and all the amazing models she shoots, I often use this as my personal inspirational notebook. Some inspirations featuring Madeline:


..guess what, I urgently NEED these galaxy leggings, they are so freaking asjfpflasfdk!! You can buy them at Black Milk Clothing for like 75$ approximately and… uh, no. I mean, they’re just printed leggings, right? I could buy a super high brand jeans with that money! So no galaxy tights for Sam. But still, deep in my heart wishing…. (actually I would buy everything featured in these pictures, it’s *exactly* my kind of style. And her hair, of course, I would instantly dye it turquoise if I didn’t need to bleach my whole hair. I’m pretty sure it won’t survive another bleach so it will be just pink for me.

I’m really thinking about what I should do with my hair when I come back to Berlin. On one side I really love my long hair but I would want a different color. On the other side, I am not the same person that left Berlin one year ago. I’m not the anxious, parent-depending girl anymore who is afraid of progress and change. So I kind of have the feeling that it would be a good step to cut my hair and get a whole make-over. New cut, new color. Though I love my long hair, it took three years to grow it that long. (but I also have it for three years that way now.) Ha, it’s a tough decision. My hair is the mirror of my current self and I am not quite sure what I want to express. Maybe I’ll find out until summer! 🙂 Hope you liked this kind of random post, and don’t forget to visit Julia Trotti’s blog! She’s so young and already such an awesome photographer.

Have a lot to post these days, had a kickassing weekend with my dear friend Susann who moved to Tokyo finally and some reviews and my lenses should arrive soon and some new products and dfjsfolssadjkakd. Please wait for it 😀 Oh and I still need to post that pizza recipe… so much life but so little time -sigh-

Have a good day everybody & see you soon! <3
Until next time,

– Sam.

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