50 Shades of Pink (What I recently got + Working OOTD)

Oktober 25, 2012

Good morning my beloved readers,

…since I am always posting so many wishlists and want-to-buy posts, I thought it might be the time for a real shopping post. Of course I cannot afford to buy all the stuff I display in my posts. I only got a part-time job and need to save money for my place next summer when who knows where I’ll be studying my master’s degree (Certainly it won’t be Berlin.) And for travelling. And for paying the 50% money back the government gave to me while I was studying in Japan. So here’s the question what do I rave about and what do I actually buy? ^^ I bought an awful lot of basic clothing after I came home from Japan because I either a) didn’t like the clothings I left at home after a year anymore or b) the clothes didn’t fit as well as before. Since it will get reaallyyyy cold soon in my area I made sure to buy zillion jumpers and cardigans to stay warm 😀 And food. Most of my money goes into food. I can’t walk by a delicious pastry…. (I’m weak 😀 )

That ombre jumper from Miss Selfridges was just love love love at first sight!! I love that it’s not the typical dark fall colors but instead very cheery knitted spring colors. I bought enough this month but I just could not resist this jumper. When it arrived I was surprised how thick the actual jumper is, it will definitely keep me warm and good company in winter! 🙂 I also -finally!!- bought that batik jumper from Gina Tricot I had my eye on for so long. I found two leftovers where the girls give in their unwanted clothings, haha. So happy I found it! It was sold out everywhere :/ I also got that grey snood because its is just oh-my-god amazingly FLUFFY! You need to touch it, it’s amazing. I was so hooked the time I touched it! 😀 I also bought some cross jewelry but somehow failed to take pictures of it :/


I just love the details of this shirt – and look at that COLOR! Oh my, I usually don’t like sheer baby pinks but hell, that was love at first sight. Although it looks almost white in my pictures (don’t know why my camera always washes out the light colors so bad.. any advice? :/ ) so the actual color in real life is like at this picture above. The shirt had me at the golden studs! I actually wanna stud one of the pockets with little golden studs because that would make it even more interesting. As you can see I even bought a pair of pants! Don’t know how often I’m gonna wear these… but, the fabric is extremely soft and I just loved the print so I thought, why not! Guess I can’t wear tights all winter (although I’m gonna try.. like every year! :3 ) I also bought a super thick knit cardigan in wine red & black and some tights which are not displayed here. A few days ago, I asked my mom if she could do a few snaps of me right after work and here is what we came up with (thank you Mom for your patience!): 

Pink shirt: H&M; Skirt: Gift from a friend, Bag: Primark, Heels: Solestruck.com; Necklace: Wolfmade
Please just don’t mind my messy hair, this was right after work (by the way I woke up at 4:30! AM! I don’t feel human at such working times.). The skirt and tights are part of my working outfit too so I’m not sure if you could call this OOTD since it’s more how I look when I come home from work and didn’t change despite shirt and shoes, LOL. I kinda like secretary-esk shirt + tight skirt combinations for work 😀 But enough excuses, are you ready for some behind the scenes pictures? My dear mom shot these pictures and I thought it’s time to introduce the talented photographer! 😀 So here she goes, this is for you Mommy! <3

SHE’S SO TINY 😀 😀 😀 Well, I’m wearing my Lita Heels, but even without I’m about 15cm taller than here (she’s mad at me for being so much taller than her she hates being short.) I actually think small girls are really cute and tall girls are always seen at as more tough (not that I mind..) Despite my body type I guess you can see that we’re mother & daughter – you should see my grandma! We girls basically all look the same in our family, lol. I only got the height and my blue eyes from my father :>

Hope you liked the pics (and the special ones 😀 ) I actually have a DIY I wanna post like forever, but I’m missing the “finished” picture in the end thats why I can’t post it =.= And I reallyyyy wanna do some exciting make-ups but I’m running out of time. So much to do until December! November really will be my power month (it just needs to be. Although I usually hate November.) I’m throwing a little party tomorrow at my place with few of my friends (some of my friends invited my boyfriend instead of me. I guess he felt left out :’D ) but have exercise (will report soon!!) and lessons beforehand, so BUSY. Hope you’re all are doing well! Thanks for stopping by 🙂

Much love & see you next time hopefully!


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