Mai 6, 2013

Hey my dear readers,

I am so sorry for the lack of creative or any posts whatsoever. The interview for the scholarship didn’t work out and how I have to apply for 490234849 other programs in only two weeks and it is a shitload of paperwork. Just. So. Much. Paperwork.

The scholarship wasn’t really meant to be: They didn’t really look for people who already knew Japanese or studied Japanese Studies, they wanted experts on any other field who could connect this WITH Japanese. I still don’t know why exactly they invited me but I knew that wasn’t my place to be. Therefore, the interviews went terrible and I didn’t got in. That’s okay but since I had to prepare so much for the interviews I’m lacking behind now with everything. I have so much university, really bad times for working shifts and so much to do, I can’t even. I am highly unmotivated and when I have some time I lay around in bed pretending that I’m dead.
I am really concerned at the moment because I don’t know what the future holds for me. I don’t know if I’ll be able to continue to study or not, I don’t even know if I’ll continue to live in this city for the next two years or not. This uncertainty scares the hell out of me and leaves me in a really bad mood. Just that you know. I really hope I can come up with something cool and funny asap, but I think it might take a week or two to get everything sorted. Thank you for your patience and thank you so much for your encouraging comments! Always appreciate the love <3
Hope y’all have a happy week and hopefully talk to you all soon!
Lots of love,
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