The Ultimate Japanese Shopping Vocabulary List [EN+DE]
Hey there!
Some general words about the Japanese language: Unlike most other countries, Japanese do still speak very little English in general. You will see that a lot of words in this list actually are derived from English. However, if you just use the normal English pronounciation, chances are that most Japanese will have no idea what you are talking about since they are so used to the Japanized version, so make sure to adjust in that respect. Don’t be shy to mutter some imperfect Japanese – at least trying to use their language opens up the locals and you will find many Japanese a lot more helpful if you at least try to communicate in their language. I made the table in English and German because I thought if I’m already gonna do it, why not do it right. Most Germans speak English well enough but for the few who don’t: This is for you!
I tried to give you a phonetical description of how the words are pronounced (as this sometimes differ a lot from how it is written). Since this is obviously a very difficult task to do when you don’t speak Japanese at all, I highly recommend to copy and paste the desired word or phrase into google translate and listening to the pronouncation there. It’s not perfect, but it will make many issues you might find with pronouncing at least a bit easier. If your communication partner doesn’t seem to understand you at all, feel free to show him this list and do the famous “pointing out” game! 😀 Also, you will probably notice that the overwhelming majority of Japanese words ends of “u”. In about 90% of the cases, the “u” is not pronounced but rather omitted (well, not exactly, but for this guide, it will have to do). Also, you will see a lot of “uu” “ii” and “oo”; a double consonant means that the consonant is spoken longer than you usually would.
Useful phrases |
How to write it | How to pronounce it | English/German |
今日は | konnichi ha | Kon-nichi-wa | Hello/Guten Tag |
ありがとう | arigatou | arigato[o] | Thank you/Danke |
お願いします | o-negai shimasu | onegai shimas’ | Please/Bitte |
はい | hai | hai | Yes/Ja |
いいえ | iie | ih-ih-e | No/Nein |
これ | kore | kore | This/Dies |
下さい | kudasai | kudasai | Please/Bitte |
これ下さい | kore kudasai | kore kudasai | This, please/Dies hier bitte |
いくらですか? | ikura desu ka? | ikura des’ ka? | How much is this?/Wieviel kostet das? |
Xはどこですか? | X ha doko desu ka? | X wa doko des’ ka? | Where is X?/Wo finde ich X? |
Xは何ですか? | X ha nan desu ka? | X wa nan des’ ka? | What is X?/Was ist X? |
これは何ですか? | kore ha nan desu ka? | kore wa nan des’ ka? | What is this?/Was ist das hier? |
カードで買えますか? | kaado de kaemasu ka? | ka-do de kaemas’ ka? | Can I pay by card? Kann ich mit Karte bezahlen? |
試着していいですか? | shichaku shite ii desu ka? | shi-chaku shite ii des’ka? | Can I try this on?/Darf ich das einmal anprobieren? |
これは? | kore ha? | kore wa? | And this [item]?/Und das hier? |
大丈夫です | daijoubu desu | daijobu des’ | Okay/In Ordnung |
。。。はありますか? | …ha arimasu ka? | …wa arimas’ ka? | Do you have…?/Gibt es hier…? |
わたしは X を 探しています |
watashi ha X wo sagashite imasu |
watashi wa X o sagashte imas’ |
I’m looking for X/Ich suche nach X |
X は売りますか? | X ha urimasu ka? | X wa urimas’ ka? | Do you sell X?/Verkaufen Sie X? |
[X を]見せてください | [X wo] misete kudasai | [X o] misete kudasai | Please show me X/Zeigen Sie mir bitte X |
[X を]買いたいです | [X wo] kaitai desu | [X o] kaitai des’ | I want to buy X/Ich möchte X kaufen |
セールをやっていますか? | seeru wo yatte imasu ka? | se-ru o yatte imas’ ka? | Do you have a sale going on? Haben Sie Angebote/Schlussverkauf? |
すみません | sumimasen | sumimasen | I apologize/Verzeihung. |
すみません,… | sumimasen | sumimasen | Excuse me,… /Entschuldigung,… |
分かりません | wakarimasen | wakarimasen | I don’t understand/Ich verstehe nicht |
助けてもらいませんか? | tasukete moraimasen ka? | tas’kette moraimasen’ ka? | Could you please help me? Könnten Sie mir bitte helfen? |
服 | fuku | fuku | Clothes/Kleidung |
Tシャツ | T-shatsu | T-shatsu | T-shirt |
ズボン | zubon | zubon | Pants/Hose |
ジーンズ | jiinzu | jiinzu(jeans-u) | Jeans |
ワンピース | wanpiisu | one-pies’ | One-piece/dress/Kleid |
スカート | sukaato | sukaato | Skirt/Rock |
シャツ | shatsu | shatsu | Shirt/Hemd |
セーター | seetaa | seta | Sweatshirt/Pullover |
コート | kooto | kooto | Coat/Jacke |
ソックス | sokkusu | socks-u | Socks/Socken |
Skincare |
kutsu | kutsu | Shoes/Schuhe |
スキンケア | sukinkea | skinkea | Skincare/Hautpflege |
顔 | kao | kao | Face/Gesicht |
肌 | hada | hada | Skin/Haut |
化粧水 | keshousui | keshoo sui | Toner/Gesichtswasser |
乳液 | nyuueki | nyu-eki | Emulsion/Feuchtigkeitsfluid |
クレンジング | kurenjingu | krenjing’ | Cleansing/Reinigung |
クレンジングクリーム | kurenjingu kuriimu | krenjing’ kuri-mu | Cleansing cream/Reinigungscreme |
クレンジングオイル | kurenjingu oiru | krenjing’ oiru | Cleansing oil/Reinigungsöl |
セラム | seramu | seram’ | Serum |
サンスクリーン | sansukuriinu | sansukriin’ | Sunscreen/Sonnenschutz |
日焼け止め | hiyakedome | hiyake dome | Sunscreen/Sonnenschutz |
ニキビ | nikibi | nikibi | Pimples/Pickel |
毛穴 | keana | ke-ana | Pores/Pore |
乾燥皮膚; ドライスキン | kansou hifu/dorai sukin | kansoo hifu/dorai skin | Dry skin/Trockene Haut |
Beauty |
aburashouhifu | abura-sho-hifu | Oily Skin/Fettige Haut |
化粧 | keshou | kesho | Make-up (in general/allgemein) |
BBクリーム | BB kuriimu | BB kurim’ | BB Cream |
ベースメイク | beesumeiku | bees’ meiku | Base Make-up/Grundierung |
化粧下地 | keshoushitaji | kesho shitaji | Primer |
ファンデーション | fandeeshon | fande-shon | Foundation |
コンシーラー | konshiiraa | konshiiraa | Concealer/Abdeckstift |
フェイスパウダー | feisupaudaa | face paudaa | Face Powder/Gesichtspuder |
アイブラウ | aiburau | eye burau | Eyebrow/Augenbraue |
マスカラ | masukara | mascara | Mascara/Wimperntusche |
アイシャドー | aishadoo | eye shado(w) | Eyeshadow/Lidschatten |
口紅 | kuchibeni | kuchi beni | Lipstick/Lippenstift |
Haircare |
rippusuteikku | rippu stick | Lipstick/Lippenstift |
髪 | kami | kami | Hair/Haare |
ヘアケア | heakea | hea kea | Haircare/Haarpflege |
シャンプー | shanpuu | shanpu | Shampoo |
コンディショナー | kondishonaa | kondishona | Conditioner/Haarspülung |
頭皮 | touhi | to-hi | Scalp/Kopfhaut |
寝ぐせ直し | negusenaoshi | neguse naoshi | Overnight treatment/Haarmaske für die Nacht |
日焼け止め 髪用
Measurements |
hiyakedome kamiyou | hiyake dome kami you | Heat protection spray/Hitzeschutz für die Haare |
大きい | ookii | ookii | Big/Groß |
小さい | chiisai | chi-isai | Small/Klein |
普通 | futsuu | futsuu | Regular/Normal |
細い | hosoi | hosoi | Slim/Schlank/Dünn |
太い | futoi | futoi | Fat/Dick |
長い | nagai | nagai | Long/Lang |
短い | mijikai | mijikai | Short/Kurz |
安い | yasui | yasui | Cheap/Affordable/Günstig |
高い | takai | takai | Expensive/Teuer |
Sales |
takasugiru | taka sugiru | Too Expensive/Zu Teuer |
売り切れ | urikire | uri kire | Sold out/Ausverkauft |
限定アイテム | gentei aitemu | gentei [a]item | Limited edition/Limitiertes Produkt |
試着室 | shichakushitsu | shi-chaku shitsu | Fitting room/Anprobe |
ビニール袋 | biniirubukuro | binii-ru bukuro | Plastic bag/Plastiktüte |
一回払い | ikkaiharai | ikkai harai | Single payment/Einmalige Zahlung |
免税 | menzei | menzei | Taxfree/Steuerfrei |
(お)会計 | o-kaikei | o-kaikei | Checkout/Bill Kasse/Rechnung |
レジ | reji | reji | Checkout/Kasse |
サービスカウンター | saabisukauntaa | saabis’ kauntaa | Service counter/Information |
会員券 | kaiinken | kai-in ken | Membership card/Mitgliedskarte |
割引 | waribiki | waribiki | Discount/Rabatt |
Brands |
waribikiken | waribiki ken | Discount coupon/Rabattcoupon |
肌研(ハダラボ) | hadarabo | hada rabo | Hada Labo |
ジルスチュアート | jirusuchyuaato | Jiru Suchu-aato | Jill Stuart |
資生堂 | shiseido | shiseido | Shiseido |
エテュセ | etyuse | etyuse | Ettusais |
ドーリーウィンク | dooriiuinku | doorii winku | Dolly Wink |
シュウ ウエムラ | Shuu Uemura | Shuu Uemura | Shu Uemura |
ヒロインメイク | Hiroin Meiku | Heroine Meiku | Heroine Make |
マジョリカ マジョルカ | Majorika Majoruka | Majorika Majorka | Majolica Majorca |
キャンメイク | Kyanmeiku | Kyan Meiku | Canmake |
ヴィセ | vise | visee | Visée |
Also, I want this to be growing project for it to be most helpful so if there are any words or phrases missing, please feel free to point them out in the comment section! I will add them to this list for an easier shopping experience in Japan (hopefully).
It’s 2:30AM (again) and I have many obligations tomorrow so… have a good night everyone! I’m excited to get all your feedback about how I can make this more user-friendly in the future!
Lots of love,