Glass Noodle Salad + Smoothie

March 13, 2013

Hello lovelies,

I hope you’re all doing well! I got some requests for posting up new recipes and I thought I wanna share this really easy yet refreshing recipe for a glass noodle salad! I made this two weeks ago for a friend’s party. I made about a ton and my friends (we were eight people) nearly finished it all, even the people who said before they didn’t like this kind of noodles ๐Ÿ™‚ I found a lot of fancy recipes which required so much special ingredients that I decided to try my own take with what I had in the fridge.
What you’ll need for a big bowl (serves at least 4 people):
300gr (uncooked) glass noodles                          Seasoning:
500gr ground meat 
(or chicken or tofu or whatever you like!)           1/2 lime
1-2 spring onions                                                   4 tablespoons soy sauce
1-2 bell peppers                                                     4 tablespoons teriyaki sauce
10 sweet cocktail tomatoes                                 pinch of salt & pepper
1/2 cucumber                                                        pinch of sugar
3 cloves of garlic
additional: sesame oil for the ground meat, bit of ginger to add to the seasoning
1. Heat water until it’s boiling, then pour it over the noodles in a big bowl, set aside with lid for 5 – 10 minutes (depending on what kind you got, check on the package if you’re not sure) and wait until the noodles are cooked.
2. Preheat a pan, crumble the meat and roast it with sesame oil until its all crumbly. (I didn’t have any sesame oil, you can use any oil you have at hand. Sesame oil would have gotten the meat a slightly better taste). Chop the garlic really small and roast for about a minute or until it’s starting to go dark.
3. In the meantime, chop everything you wanna throw inside. Actually, you can of course change and mix all the veggies if there’s something inside that you don’t like. Just adjust, I’m pretty sure nearly everything would work. The only essential thing would be the spring onion.
4. Once you’ve prepared everything mix the meat, veggies and the noodles all together and stir really well. When it comes to the seasoning, start with little and always taste in between! Especially the soy sauce has a strong salty taste so make sure to not over-spice it.
Have fun with this recipe! Just be aware that the measurements here makes a huuuge bowl of salad. So unless you haven’t lots of hungry friends around the corner, I’d suggest to use less ingredients ๐Ÿ™‚ This is a very fresh and light meal, I hope you enjoy it!

Also, I just made my very first smoothie some days ago! It’s nothing special but I was very happy about it so I’d like to share it ๐Ÿ™‚

I used a hand mixer because I still don’t own a real mixer ๐Ÿ™ So it wasn’t as smooth and blended as I would’ve liked it to be. The apple remained more or less intact xD So I just pretended that I ate a yoghurt with pieces in it ๐Ÿ˜€ For my first smoothie I just blended everything I had at home: 1 banana, 1 apple, a handful of berries, 1 kiwi and a bit of lime juice. I added about 200ml of water in the end because it was way too thick for a beverage. I had so much left I have another one for breakfast tomorrow, yay! (^__^) I have at least 2 (or 3 or 4 maybe) recipes for you so please stay tuned! ๐Ÿ™‚

Have a great day! Much love & Talk to you soon!


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