October 7, 2013

Hey my dear readers,

When you read this post I’ll be already in the highspeed train to challenge the 600km between Berlin and Bonn (yes, it’s that far away! I thought it may be 400 or something around this… it’s as far as Berlin to Bavaria!) If you don’t know Bonn: Doesn’t matter, me neither! It’s a small city next to Cologne in West Germany, not far away from the Belgium border.
Leaving the capital, where I was raised, behind me is painful. As someone who grew up here there is no better place to be in Germany than Berlin (I like Hamburg too, I have to admit. But then people say Hamburg is just a smaller version of Berlin.) I never wanted to leave Berlin in the first place but when you study such an exotic thing that I am (Japanese Studies) you have to make compromises in order to get the best education! Berlin is finde for a bachelor’s degree but the one master course they offer is just not worth the time.
The course I’m sacrificing a lot of my love-life and favorite place to live for is just worth every single “sacrifice” I have to make: It’s unique in Germany, a trinational collaboration of three different nations (G, JP, K) where the students will study each term in a different country (PAID!) and gaining two different master degrees in the end. I think I will be super packed with stuff but it will be worth it! I will be working my ass off because I think I will never get a better opportunity than this. I’ll explain my master course in detail when I get the schedule for the first courses and when I was able to form a first opinion. But I am really excited about starting something so amazing and  that I am given this opportunity ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll try to make some pictures of Bonn as soon as possible so that you get an idea of my everyday life at the moment.

I spent the last two days together with my boyfriend. He is really sad that I am going (AGAIN) and I am really sorry to put him through this… again. But it is a huge opportunity for me and he understands that as well (somehow). We didn’t do anything in particular; just spend time together laying on the couch, watching movies (Lone Ranger is SUCH a lame movie…. really, don’t watch it.), eating nachos, being happy. I honestly think spending home is the best thing than to do anything fancy when you can’t really enjoy each other’s company. He invited me to a Chinese restaurant in the afternoon, since I’m poor now I don’t know when I’ll be having Chinese food again ๐Ÿ˜€

I took the train at 5:48 in the morning (just the right time to say “Hi!” to my ex-colleagues at the main station and grab a coffee) because I have to attend the welcome ceremony at 2PM same day. Since we are the very first students in this program there will be an official party with the coordinators from Bonn, Japan and Korea and people from the Japanese and Korean embassy. Pretty big deal, hu? Hope I get to take some pictures to show you some impressions ๐Ÿ˜€
If you don’t hear from me in the next days.. don’t be mad, will take some time to adjust!
Wish you all a happy start into the new week,
Lots of love,

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