Sponsored Review: Big Decoden (Sophie & Toffee) Haul!

May 27, 2012

What? Oh, no… not me! 😀 Not yet. Before I come to the core of my blog title I want to share with you a fabulous giveaway one of my fellow blogger girls is holding! I’m speaking of the fabulous Feelo which I adore! Srsly, I love that girl, she’s insane and adorable. If you don’t know her blog, go check it out. Now. She deserves every reader she gets! (If that sounds like an informal proposal to you guys.. well, I can’t help it. I’m her fangirl, haha.) This giveaway ends on 7th of June if I’m not misinformed. Click her name to get directed to her giveaway!

Isn’t this a nice giveaway? I’m a total hooker for beauty giveaways, if you’re the same like me go and follow every piece of her! You should also check out her other entries, she’s kinda skilled in make-up and photography some gossip’s saying. I guessed it’d a nice fit for her to be mentioned in this entry since now I have two “Sophies” in this post! 😀 Speaking of…..


Back to me & myself: My Sophie and Toffee haul arrived after one and a half week of waiting this week! ^__^ So now I could finally start my new iPod case…. IF. IF I HAD A CASE. I bought one at rakuten last week but it turned out the seller “forgot” to mention that the case is for 2nd Generation only. Since I have the newest one the case was 1. too big and 2. not able to close, so I sent it back with some angry words, lol. I’m now trying to find another normal, cheap, clear case which seems to be impossible. I wrote several e-mails to sellers in Japan if they had a clear case for iPod touch 4th generation, hope I’ll get some soon! :/ Gna gna gnah.
Since I won the $30 voucher at their blogging contest, I only had to pay shipping fees and minmal order of $10. I didn’t know that I had to order for $10 minimun in order to use the voucher but I guess they still wanna gain some money after all :’D Turned out that I had to buy a bit more than I really needed, I promised my mother a new phone case when I’m back home! Think I can do 2 or 3 projects with these lovelies. Maybe I’ll do my pink headphones once again (wanted to be cheap and decorated them with normal silicone… turned out to be too soft and I lost all gems the mext following 3 months, one after another.)
RIP lovely headphones… I stole this pic from my own FB page LOL XD I have these still but without all the stuff on it, I miss weird looks in the subway on my way to university :3
Everything I ordered came carefully wrapped with a ton of this soft-plastic-wrapping-stuff (is there a name for it, actually? I’m not even sure if we have a German word for that thing, my friends and I always say sth like “you know… the plastic that makes ‘pop’!” xD). It was so wrapped I couldn’t even see my order :’D Nothing special inside though despite the stuff I ordered (sometimes there are discount codes for further purchases). No item missing although I order them separately – bet Ayu HATES me for that since she has to search the single ones together in her office.. xD – and nothing broken, happy costumer here. What I ordered:
  • 2 Deco Sauces (strawberry & chocolate) from Decollage $4 each (kinda same price at rakuten, I know you can actually do these yourself but.. I suck at it.)
  • 3 different kind of rhine stones in 3, 4 and 5mm in light pink, gray and champagne (which I like a lot!! I’ve kinda too much pink on my last case that’s why I ordered the champagne ones.)
  • 2 glue sticks in pink (it’s said they sell them at the Daiso, but somehow I can only find the black and white ones no matter where I search for it.)
  • 22 deco pieces, mostly ice cream!!

Super carefully wrapped in a cute bag as always <:

It may look less but I can go a looong way with that stuff as long as I have rhinestones, pearls or whipped cream!
The Mickey Mouse charms are all for my mother actually ♥ since she always pointed out how much she liked the Minnie donut which I have on my phone at home :3
Finally got the Pocky sticks! I wanted to buy them since a year but always forgot. And an Oreo cookie which you can’t really see here, he looks cute! My alltime favorites are the realistic ice cones ♥
Thanks again to Sophie & Toffee for the reward and keep on making the world a bit sweeter! Only minus I found was when I searched for whipped creams and found out they sell the Decollage one for 33$ at their store!! 33$!!!  I really don’t know why they do it because I bought them before at the shop for about 17$ which is the original price. I don’t mind buying a few extra bucks for an imported product but twice the price is not acceptable. I’ll buy the whipped cream via rakuten since I was quite disappointed they try to charge twice the original price. (I’m speaking about this in case you’re wondering.) All other items were fine though and the prices for other goodies were quite close to the original price in Japan.

Depending on how fast I’ll find a suitable case for my iPod I was thinking about making a little tutorial for a Decoden case if you’d like to see that? I never did any videos and have NO idea on how to do that so I guess it’ll be photo then <: I’ll also do a review / comparison on two drugstore BB creams I recently got soon, so please stay tuned! I also got the BYS Diamond Shadow Palette I wanted for ages now, so expect a lot of reviews to come soooon. If you have any questions / advice / wishes feel free to ask! 🙂
Until next time,
– Sam.

P.S.  I got a lot e-mails since I enabled that “E-mail” button on my sidebar. Please make sure to give a proper title/description for your mail because a lot of them landed in my spam box since they only contained “Hey” in the title! I’m pretty sure some even got deleted before I could read them! :/  So if I didn’t answer you your mail got probably lost because I answer every single mail >< I’m sorry for that!

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