Roadtrip Adventure.
Hi boys & girls,
when you are reading this post, I’ll be already on the road toward the North. Sunday was my last day of work and gosh, how deeply I need vacation! It is really stressful to study, work part-time at a rather stressful workplace, preparing for an extra Japanese exam and reading aaaall the stuff for university. Oh, did I mention I need a social life as well..?
To keep it short: I’m tired. Not sleepy-tired, but tired from everything. Tired from my 4:30AM workshifts every fucking week (yes, also this Saturday + Sunday.) Really worn out. So I decided I will leave for a short trip before my big exam will be next Sunday Dec 2nd. I’ll travel together with my boyfriend’s mom and we will drive with the car to Sylt, the little popular Northern island where my boyfriend is currently working. I’ll share an apartment with his mother (we get along pretty great, she is an exact copy of my own mother! :D), we will do stuff together the day until my boyfriend gets off from work and then we’ll meet somewhere and chill or something. I really really look forward to this! I just was once for a few hours on the island so I really don’t know how it is like but I imagine it to be pretty cosy. I’ll carry my cam along to snap some shots for you! (Hopefully.)
I love the sea, I always did. On Thursday I’ll return alone by train, his mother will stay a while longer. I hope I can prepare as much as I can for the exam and I hope I will have the silence I need for that. (Not surroundings, I mean the one which should be within myself.) I’m just reeeaaaaally happy I will have some time for myself. I believe I didn’t really have any time for myself since I left for Japan.
I love the sea, I always did. On Thursday I’ll return alone by train, his mother will stay a while longer. I hope I can prepare as much as I can for the exam and I hope I will have the silence I need for that. (Not surroundings, I mean the one which should be within myself.) I’m just reeeaaaaally happy I will have some time for myself. I believe I didn’t really have any time for myself since I left for Japan.
Since my exam is on Sunday, I won’t do any new posts, but I prepared one ahead which will go online somewhen this week 🙂 After the exam there will be -finally!- plenty of time for all the things I’d like to do. I’ll leave you with two songs which will accompany on my trip.
Have a good week y’all and love to hear from you soon! Much love,