May 27, 2014

My dear readers,

I spend a lot of money this month. Almost too much I’d say so I will cut on food for the next two weeks *laughs* No, seriously. I have always been that kind of person; I rather eat soup for a week than not buying that one item that I fell for. My mom is the same. We had a lot of soup when I was younger.
A week ago, I found this absolutely amazing jacket that I couldn’t get out of my head. It was a bit too expensive to just buy it on the go so I patiently waited. Until I was really upset that one day so impulsively bought it and I absolutely do not regret it. Most amazing jacket I ever bought.
I originally was in search of either a jeans jacket or a leather jacket. I do own two leather jackets, one in green and the studded black one I  made myself last time I was in Japan, but both are in Germany, so. And I found out that I just cannot live without a leather jacket; its my most fundamental item in spring and fall ๐Ÿ˜€ However, for the longest time I couldn’t really decide what I wanted – all the denim ones I found were not what I pictured in my mind and the leather jackets I liked look a lot like the ones I already own, which would be pointless. But then, this jacket. The perfect symphony of both worlds! (I may be a bit dramatic here.)

The washed out color, the studs and of course that amazing shoulder piece totally sold me. On the left side you see my two favorites for denim + leather jacket ๐Ÿ™‚  Funny fact; blue is almost my least liked color (closely after orange.) I own close to nothing in blue except for some jeans which I barely wear. However, lately, I am really into pale greyish blues so this works for me. I had to wait over one week before it arrived and I was dearly hoping the jacket will turn out like in the shops’ pictures and that the size will fit.

Pictures from my shopping trip to Tokyo last Monday, separate post will be dedicated to that. As you can see, I also colored my hair! I was extremely bored of the blonde-brown ombre and somehow never really liked it on me since it didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to be. After Japanese hair dye only damaged my hair but did not color it at all I asked my mom to send me hairdye from Germany I was sooo happy when I finally was able to dye it back to red. No matter what I do, I always come back to red ^__^
Back to topic: The jacket is extremely well made; the material is incredibly soft which astonished me a lot since it is fake leather I did not expect a high quality feel – however, it does and I feel very badass in this jacket. I especially love the shoulder pats and the golden chain on one shoulder which is very unique and which I have never seen before ๐Ÿ™‚ This will be my new go-to jacket for a very long time, I am sure of that.
For everyone interested: I bought this jacket here, however I don’t know if they ship internationally and since Rakuten has ridiculous shipping policy regarding international orders I wouldn’t recommend it. It could be possible though to find this jacket on Ebay; I have found a lot of things on Rakuten that I recognized from some Asian stores on Ebay. 
How do you like my new jacket? I am still very excited and will wear it nonstop until Japanese summer stops me from doing so. Since the aircon is always very heavily used in trains and stores I think (fear) there will be plenty of time to wear this out ๐Ÿ™‚
Thank you for reading and hope you have a splendid week!

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