We’re All Mad Here – Sneak Peek At Beyond x Alice In Wonderland Collection (Launches 9/1!)

August 24, 2015

Hi There!

I didn’t plan on blogging today at all – however, I kicked some ass and made good progress on my thesis today and on top of that, I talked to one of my best Korean friends out there that I deeply miss and she showed me something to lighten up this gloomy, rainy day: The Korean brand Beyond is actually launching an Alice In Wonderland collection! WHAT! And everything looks just as gorgeous as you’d imagine it. While Alice in Wonderland is not my favorite Disney movie ever, the books by Lewis Carroll will always have a special place in my heart.
Source: Beyond
The collection consists of 6 different products: The Beyond Glow Cushion with a special Alice case, blushes, oil tints, eyeshadows, nail polish and hand cream in different shades and scents. I am usually not a big fan of these themed collections but I am just ALL OVER THIS COLLECTION! Especially the oil tints, ugh. I want everything, it’s killing me. Couldn’t this launch half a year ago when I was still living in Korea…? Oh, I kinda miss it. Who would’ve thought. Here are the products that will launch on September 1st with details following right below:

비욘드 엘리스 인 글로우 쿠션 기획 세트   Beyond Alice In Glow Cushion Set (+ Refill)
Comes in two shades, retails for 26,000Won
As a big fan of cushion compacts regardless of the packaging, I was immediately sold on this! I really love that the designs used for the products are all cohesive but differ a little bit from product category to product category. This is my favorite right after the oil tints!

비욘드 엘리스 인 글로우 크림 세도우 Beyond Alice In Glow Cream Shadow
Comes in 10 gorgeous shades, retails for 10,000Won each.
 I am usually not a fan of cream shadows but some of these colors are just so pretty I am extremely tempted!

비욘드 엘리스 인 글로우 립 엔 치크 Beyond Alice In Glow Lip and Cheek
Comes in 5 shades, retails for 12,000Won each.
For me personally the least interesting product out of the whole collection but still pretty darn cute. (Don’t judge me, I use the same blush for over three years now. Yes I am a beauty blogger and I own exactly one blush, am I allowed to say that…? I just love that one so much I never bought another one. It happens. I swear.)

비욘드 엘리스 인 글로우 오일 틴트 Beyond Alice In Glow Oil Tint
Comes in 5 shades, retails for 10,000Won each.
This is by far my favorite item out of the whole collection! I have been super obsessed with card symbols when I was younger and I really like the card guardians from the queen of hearts so for me, this is such a cool item! I especially need to get my hand on the raspberry colored one, like, right now.
비욘드 엘리스 인 글로우 그라데이션 키트 Beyond Alice In Glow Gradation Kit (+ Stickers)
Set of three colors à 4ml, retails for 8,000Won and comes with nail stickers.
I am usually not big on blue nail polish but oh my, that retro baby blue in the middle is just what I needed! Plus, I mean, do I really need to convince anyone that that big chunky glitter nail set is exactly what one needs…?
비욘드 엘리스 인 글로우 핸드크림 Beyond Alice In Glow Hand Cream
Comes in 4 different scents, retails for 8,000Won each.
I have never tried the hand creams from Beyond, but if there ever was a perfect time for the first try, this would be it! I especially like the yellow and green packaging (as the pink one will probably have a rose scent which I am not too fond of.) My poor barista hands need some pampering!
So, are you excited yet?! I will definitely try to get my hands on the oil tints and the cushion as I just really like the designs and colors! This collection retails at September 1st. Beyond does have an English “shop”, but as far as I know it is not possible to place international orders yet so your best bet to get these beauties will be desperate begging at Korean friends or a shopping service such as Avecko (which is why I included the Korean version as well – easier googling for products, yay!) The collection will probably pop up on Ebay somewhen, but I personally wouldn’t count on it.
What are you most excited about? Any Alice In Wonderland fans around..? 🙂
Have a great start into the week! xx
Lots of love,

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