SOLESTRUCK Anniversary Sale!! (Until June 24th.)

June 19, 2012

Hello & Good evening my dear readers;

This is just a quick emergency post ๐Ÿ˜€ I just got an e-mail from my beloved shoe online-shop SOLESTRUCK that they are launching a big anniversary sale on their online shop and customers can get 30 – 80% OFF(!!) for specific shoes.

I was extremely excited first, then realised I really have no money and space for more shoes at the moment. I am going home in about seven weeks and I don’t know how to get all the stuff back home so a pair of heavy studded high heels wouldn’t be my exact kind of choice at the moment. I even thought about getting it shipped to Germany instead but I guess shipping fees would kill me aaand I really don’t have THAT much money left for June. But I remembered that most of my readers are Jeffrey Campbell and Vivien Westwood fans, so I thought I’d better share! 
Solestruck is the online-shop from where I got my Jeffrey Campbell Lita Spikes (LOVE OF MY LIFE โ™ฅ) , they got me these shoes for a pretty good deal although sold out literally e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e. Shipping was fast and customer care great, feel free to shop ladies! ๐Ÿ˜€
I browsed through the sale page for a while to notice that this campaign really is great if there’s a specific shoe you have an eye on for a while! They have a huuuuge range of different brands, so be quick and grab your favorite pair before it may gone! Sale’s open from now until June, 24th!

Happy shopping ladies! Hope you apologize for this urgent emergeny post ๐Ÿ˜€ The first real typhoon of the year is raging outside and Pachi and I pray that we may not need to go to university tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜ก

See you next time! :3
– Sam.
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