Silver-Pink Inspiration. (EOTD)
Oh and today I found out that my cousin Jacky actually is reading this blog for a while now, Hi sweetheart if you’re reading this! I had no idea and now no matter what I write I wonder what she’s gonna thinking about it xD And yesterday in the middle of the night I had a lovely Skype conversation with the stunning Valentina Dang, you probably know her! We wanted to skype for a loooong time but 13 hours of time difference’s really tricky. I’m really glad we managed somehow and hope to share future ideas! If you don’t know her go & visit her blog, quickly! She’s amazing. (All Most people from Canada are amazing.)
Back to topic! This will be a short post because it’s nearly 4 AM but Pachi and I are still wide awake. I recently got tagged by a nice German beauty blogger because I mentioned in a comment that I never got tagged with anything but would love to compete so she tagged me with a little “challenge”. She’d pick two random colors from which I’d have to create an eye make-up. I ended up with a very easy combination which was Pink & Silver! I use pink a lot because it makes my blue eyes stand out a lot & I have pink undertone skin so it goes really well. What I did was a rather simple everyday look; thought maybe to push back a bit since most of my eye make-ups are really bold. Here’s what I did:
..what do you think of this look? It took me like 50 pictures until I captured the color right @_@”” Currently learning that when it looks right in real life it’s not even close on the camera, the camera sucks up SO MUCH COLOR!! I know that in theory but I always forget. So I had a super pink eye in reality ๐ I have to say I’m surprised how that turned out. I used silver at the inner corner and waterline of my eye and blended it in with the pink and black eyeliner in the end.