September Wishlist

September 17, 2015

Hi There!

I originally meant to post this wishlist in August, but life kind of came in the way and it’s September already! If you’ve been following me around on Instagram, you already know that I received and absolutely loved the DrJart Ceramidin Liquid. I am very intrigued by this brand now and open to explore my other options. I got the ceramidin liquid from Amazon by the way and it shipped insanely fast in a week from the UK. However, I bought it for 28€ and it is now DOUBLE THE PRICE. What the hell. I am not sure if the price goes down again, but it was the only seller to get it from for a reasonable price within Europe at the time.

I’ll be travelling to Hamburg for the weekend, so in order to not leave this blog totally dry I finally came around in posting this wishlist. If you want to follow me around on my trip make sure to follow me on Instagram where I post more or less daily updates on what I’m doing 🙂 I haven’t been able to have any quality time with my boyfriend lately due to working and juggling my second thesis so I am super pumped to finally relax a bit.

Guess Drama Queen Mint Hand Bag

This would have been the perfect handbag and an instant buy IF IT WAS BIGGER. SIGH. BIG SIGH. I absolutely adore the design; the color, studded details and overdone ribbon is a very unique and clever design in my opinion. Sadly, the bag was really tiny and since I carry around at least half of my household at all times, I probably would have never used it. I am still lusting a bit over it though…

Oh 3CE, how I love your lip products. With the awesome experience that I had with their liquid lipsticks, I am now totally up for exploring their other new additions! I love the lightness of water tints compared to other formulas and to be honest, how can one not want those amazing colors…?

As I said in the beginning, I actually already received this item when I bought it on a whim from Amazon. Since then, it has been a deep passionate love affair between us. The liquid is rich and moisturizing, yet sinks in very fast into the skin without feeling heavy. And as a plus, you’ll get 150ml of all the ceramides goodness!

Zoeva is still my most beloved German make-up brand and I especially love their brushes. Not only because of the insanely pretty editions they do (like this rose golden one) but also, because the quality is top notch and I am very pleased with all the brushes I got from them.

Oh My Gosh. One lonely day in Japan, I bought the then unknown to me game Bravely Default because I was bored and lonely and it wasn’t very expensive. Yeah. About 100 hours of gaming later, I was completely captivated by this game and determined to beat it – I think the only game that invested similar time in has been Final Fantasy X (with the exception that I had every achievable maximum/weapon etc one could get in that game – but I still haven’t beaten Bravely Default completeley!) This game has a sweet story, every element that makes a good RPG game and as soon as I will finally beat it, I will instantly get the spin-off. Because it’s that good. (This game has not been released in Europe yet, but if you have a Japanese handheld like I do you can download it via the Nintendo E-Store)

In case you didn’t know: My nickname/online identity Sam Murakami was heavily inspired by my favorite author, Haruki Murakami. I used to read his books when they first appeared in Germany when I was 13 years old and I was completely in awe with Kafka on the Shore. Since then, I have read almost every book and of course, his newest one won’t be any exception now that the softcover finally got released! 🙂

I am still a big fan of 3 Concept Eyes, but I haven’t tried anything other than their lip products. When I saw these face masks though, I was immediately intrigued. They are very expensive for regular sheet masks though (4$ a pop or 5 for 18$) so if I ever got my hands on these babies, I would probably only use them for very special occasions.

I recently stumbled into the &other stories concept store in Berlin for the very first time and must say, I was quite impressed. What I saw online usually didn’t spark anything in me, but the actual store was great to look at (so neat and organized! I hate cluttered spaces.) and I happened to buy my very first pair of shoes, forest green suede loafers that are amazingly pretty and comfortable. I was very impressed with the actual quality of the shoes (which I hoped for at the price but is not always a given, sadly.) and have since then my eye on these leather sneakers with fake snake accents. I absolutely love the pop of color that would still go well with most outfits!

I hope you all are doing well and I already wish you an early happy weekend! Let me know what you are up to 🙂 I recorded some videos and took pictures for reviews so hopefully when I finally submitted my second thesis at the end of this month I will finally have time to get back on track with blogging!

Lots of love,


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