OOTD: Feathers x Spring Pastels

Mai 14, 2015

Hey There!

Today is a public holiday in Germany (Ascension Day) so I have the whole day off and so does my boyfriend, yeah! We didn’t really get much time to relax though because his youngest cousin had confirmation so our day started quite early at the church. I’m not even baptized, so going to church is a really strange thing for me – both my parents are as non-religious as it gets and if I had to chose a religion, it wouldn’t be Christianity. They had a rock band at church though which was pretty cool! I thought I’d share today’s outfit with you because I really liked it. I haven’t done many outfit posts in forever because I have no one to shoot pictures – I plan on getting a tripod and remote for my Canon though, so maybe in the future?

Dress – Darling Clothes, Blazer with lace – some random store in Japan, 
Bag – Samantha Thavasa, Belt – Tally Weijl, Shoes – Deichmann
I know the shoes kind of don’t go together but I suddenly realized the only heels I own right now are black (okay, and neon green). Kinda have to change that. I wanted to wear boots with a small heel but boyfriend found that they weren’t appropriate for church. Okay then. I also have a problem with my hair at the moment but I plan on doing a make-over on them – as soon as my shitty part-time job pays me… (yep, 6 weeks in and still no salary!) I just find them so plain and boring and not flattering at all (I have them in a bun for about 2 months now so that I don’t have to deal with them……sigh.) If you’ve been a reader for a long time now, you probably remember that I won this dress in a giveaway back in 2012! I really like it as it has long flared arms and is overall very flattering and a great dress for more formal events like the one today.

Random mobile phone snap of my make-up; I chose a strong eyeliner to contrast the soft and tame colors of my outfit and lavender/brownish reds as my main shadows. I used the Sephora black eyeliner which I really really like as it stays put all day and a champagne colored Clio Gel Liner on my lower lashline; foundation is the Hanyul Luminant Cushion paired with my all-time favorite Luna Long Lasting Tip Concealer 🙂

Hope you don’t mind this random little update, not sure when I’ll have time to update this weekend so I thought better this as nothing. Have a nice day everyone and wish you a great weekend! 🙂
Lots of love,


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