November 15, 2013

Hello my dear readers,

I hope you’re all doing well! A lot happened in these last two weeks.. I survived two severe hangovers (one at Halloween and one after a Karaoke party – you got a tequila shot for free after every song, so…. ‚cough) so my party mood dropped to almost zero. Luckily, we only have plans for casual get togethers and cooking parties which is totally fine with me ๐Ÿ˜€ I have a lot of stress since I’ll be going to Berlin on Tuesday and I want to get everything done one week ahead so that I won’t be behind when I get back the week after but it is just SO MUCH. I somehow didn’t expect it to be so much.. but I think I’m quite good regarding my time management ๐Ÿ™‚ Today is a special day because I finally got money, YES! I’ve been living over a month with the absolute minimum of money my parents could get me because the facility giving out the student money were weeks and weeks behind T_T“ I’m in debt a full rent and I’m so glad I can pay my landlord now, she’s such a nice lady! 
I have a lot to post but I probably will do that when I’m in Berlin and have all my university stuff sorted out, still have to prepare a presentation on media coverage of homelessness in Japan, get two chapters of Korean grammar + vocab done, read 2~3 academic texts and do two pages of Japanese translation. I have until late Monday to get it all done so please encourage me! T_T“
Anyway, I was strolling around city last Saturday and accidentally went to Tally Weijl (which I usually don’t because most clothes don’t match my taste) and first didn’t notice because they changed their concept 100%! I was so astonished when I realized where I was because the clothes were that different! Usually TW has cutesy stuff with bows and lots of pink and lace and glitter and so on but now I entered and see – (amazing) biker boots, holographic doc martens look alikes, leopard, tartan, studs, holographic & skull prints, even colorful cat tshirts! Def. didn’t expect that but needless to say – I like where they going. Seems, the kind of style I like is really trendy this winter ๐Ÿ˜€ So I collected my favorite items to show you guys and even bought a little bit since my money finally arrived ^____^
Can someone please get me these boots? They’re awesome, I LOVE them. The boots are exactly the same that ASOS sold for like 80โ‚ฌ, you can get these at the moment at TW for 40โ‚ฌ ๐Ÿ™‚  And, anyone ever said backpacks are boring…?
I love that parka, it just has everything. Lots of details, a big fur hood, lots of pockets and a military-aztec print which I am crazy about in this case! (Usually, not so.) And it has some fluffy fur inside which makes it really cosy, I want that jacket so bad but it’s 80โ‚ฌ .__.
I have to say: I am head over heels for this wolf skirt, oh my! Unfortunately I’ve got wide hips and therefore it makes me look a bit heavy .____. I might get it anyways just because I like it so much even though I look like some kilos more.. I also really really like the leather skirt with all the studs but I think my boyfriend would never touch me again when wearing that ๐Ÿ˜€ These were my favorites when I went there last time, I made a short visit today to have a look and I couldn’t resist….
I got the tartan jacket on the left! ๐Ÿ™‚ It was on sale 20โ‚ฌ instead of 60โ‚ฌ, pretty good deal if you ask me. It has a nice fur hood and a lot of leather details which cannot be seen in the picture :/ Since it was already dark my pictures didn’t turn out that pretty as well…
Looks kinda huge that’s why I searched a picture on the internet to give you an impression how it looks when worn ๐Ÿ™‚ Will try to get a picture of myself soon! It’s a bit longer on me and tight which I like, the wind’s been pretty harsh these days >< I reeeaaally love tartan and that’s the first pretty jacket I found, so glad I got it for such a good price ๐Ÿ™‚ Second was a spontaneous buy; I just prefer wearing tops over tshirts and I don’t really own that many tops this time soo… yeah. I loved the color and the print aaand it even had studs. And I like the open back. Aaaand it’s quite long which is superimportant, I get nervous when my tops are too short ๐Ÿ˜€
I might get one of these amazing pair of shoes.. or the parka.. or one of the skirts.. very very soon ๐Ÿ˜€ My style is not always that available so I should get what I can as long as I can. Oh, I also got a dark green hoodie from H&M men’s section because I caught a cold and reaaally needed a thick and cosy hoodie to stay indoors all weekend, harhar. Hope y’all have a pleasant weekend!
Lots of love,
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