La Diamond Jewel Eyeliner Deep Purple Review ( &EOTD)

July 22, 2012

Twinkle, twinkle little star…. hello my dear readers! ***

I hope you are ready for some jewelry-twinkle-glitter-glamour-action, because that’s what we’ll be doing today! 😀 When I went shopping with my roomie, we found these awesome jewel glitter eyeliners with a huge variation of colors that I HAD to buy and try it out. What I want to share with you all today is a little review on La Diamond Jewel Eyeliner in the shade Deep Purple.
Doesn’t the glitter in the packaging looks just AWESOME?! I mean… gosh, it twinkles and glitters, the whole thing looks just sooooo damn’ nice in the packaging, rawr. To be honest, I am a bad bad sucker for glitter. I mean, glitter looks very nice and promising in the packaging, I always end to buy so many glitter items! The thing is: you don’t really use it. Or need it. Or both. I personally think glitter is very tricky to wear, it can look cheap or carnival-ish very easily. But this one, I couldn’t talk myself out of it. I originally wanted to buy a deep pink shade, but… I feared it could look strange with my eye color. Plus, I intend to wear this for my next Yosakoi performances since our costumes are black, white, red and exactly this shade of deep purple! :3 At least I had a slight reason for buying this, lol. (Try to convince myself.) 😀
I honestly could look at the product in the packaging the whole day. It looks awesome. I’m pretty proud that I was able to catch the shade so well with my camera -making slight progress- :3 But enough of that, now going away from the surface digging a bit deeper beneath.
I couldn’t find anything online about La Diamond Jewel Eyeliners which was the mean reason to review this product and making opinions available on the net. This eyeliner has a very thin tip and gives off a little less product than expected. However, you can layer this up once it’s dryed so I really didn’t think that that is a negative point (glitter’s always a bit tricky to handle, usually most items only give off poor quantity of the glitter.) Since the tip is very thin but not too flexible it’s really easy to apply 🙂
Applied with black eyeliner underneath (picture above) and just the glitter itself, only one swipe each. I tried to rub it away but to my surprise nothing happened and it stayed put like that the whole day!
As you can see, this looks a bit poor without eyeliner underneath. I never understand why they never make colored glitter eyeliner so that you have a vibrant and opaque glitter eyeliner, but okay, I guess I have to do that myself, the base is always transparent. However, I personally think it does look really nice with the black eyeliner underneath, the purple really stands out. And how much I love the shade! It does look exactly like the packaging. Telling from how far I can go with one swipe I believe this product goes a loooong way (especially because you don’t need glitter that often :> ) The price for this was 8-9$ and I would def. buy other shades if I had enough events to use this eyeliner! 🙂

Here’s a rather simple design I did with the eyeliner for my Yosakoi performance today; our outfit is white/black/red/purple and the make-up has to match the costume, it’s kind of a common rule for that dance. I had absolutely no idea on how to match this with an eyeshadow so I left shadows out and only went with bold eyeliner, what do you guys think? :3 (P.S. I wanted to use some really bold eyelashes instead of these spidey-ones but it was dark when I got up and grabbed the wrong one… ;A;)

As you can see here I got a little messy and some glitter particles went around on my lid and it was impossible to remove them without messing up the whole make-up..make sure it’s really dry before you blink!

This was taken after the performance because I didn’t have time before; so I already danced an hour with that make-up, I’m always surprised about how good my make-up stays while doing sports :< And I was especially surprised about how well the glitter sticks to the skin and doesn’t run or move around my face, I definitely recommend that product! So today I felt reeeeaaally sick, my throat and head hurts and I feel super dizzy so I basically rushed home after the performance to get some sleep. Since I didn’t succeed in sleeping I’m typing this instead. The other pictures I took are bit overlighted because I rushed and didn’t pay attention to the light, lazy photographer olé. I loved my hair today & was surprised it survived the performance ^-^

BYTHEWAY; could someone PLEASE notice the flesh tunnel in my right ear? It’s my newest baby and it took a long time and was painful so please at least notice it! 😀

I love how my hair turns out in my photographs; you probably think I am setting the contrast in PS to superhigh but that’s not really the case; the color looks really like that in real life (a bit darker maybe..). Not the best pictures I made but oh well. I am off and out for today; if you search for me you can find me watching Project Runway (so inspirational!) or playing Pokémon White 2 (so nice so far!) or teasing my roomie to get me some soup or tea. This is my very last university week in Japan, we’ll have a ceremony on Saturday where we’ll also get our results and another Yosakoi performance on Sunday.. not really time to lay around lazy. Hope I can catch up with all of you soon!

Have a nice start in the week tomorrow ♥
Until next time,


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