January’s all studded and shimmery.

January 15, 2012
I have a heavy craving for some certain fashion goods available in the broad, wide world. Since I came to Japan I’m searching desperately for a heavy studded leather jacket, if anybody knows where or from which brand to get, please tell me! All I found were a) freakin’ overoverpriced b) poorly studded and/or c) weighed about 5 kilogramm xD So I’m still on the go..

Well, maybe not THAT studded but.. something like that :DD Furthermore, I have a heavy shoe crisis since autumn. Because my baggage to Japan was limited to -absurdly- 23 kilogram I only have 4 pairs of shoes. A pair of ballerinas which I cannot wear now due to coldness, a pair of high heels which I cannot wear on a daily basis and two pair of sneakers one light, one more for walking through the forest 10 hours long. So I’m getting a chrisis everyday I see the girls walking around the campus because I cannot style myself the way I want to!  ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ It’s really depressing. I was never a shoe addict but 4 pairs for a whole year are… fairly enough. Up to that, I cannot buy any of the stunning shoes which are available in Japan…. because my feet are not as tiny as the Japanese usual ones. On top, there are no “real” shoe sizes here, there is only S, M L and sometimes LL available. I mean…. 3 or 4 sizes for shoes? Really? Are Japanese feet that similar? Always wondering, lol. Because my shoe size is mostly an US 10 or 10.5 depending on the shoe I’m all alone with my shoe desire here *desperate face* So I keep diggin’ in the stores and end up with shoes too tiny or in awkward huge sizes. I already gave up. Maybe I’ll switch a pair when returning to Berlin the two weeks or ordering some online… I dunno u__u””

I saw these Dr Martens in Shinjuku Marui One where also most Lolita Stores are located.. they have “real” leopard fur on them! Well, not the real leopard, but it’s not simply a print, actually it’s some artificial fur which I LOVE. I still don’t know why I left my Dr Martens at home.. T__T”” I’d definitely buy them if the price in Japan wouldn’t be DOUBLE the price they are in Germany. This pair would cost abour 250$ here. I think in Germany, it would be around 120$ depending on actual exchange rate. I couldn’t find them online for sale so I wondered if they’d be available in Germany..
I also fell incredibly in love with these studded shoes a while ago, think they’re quite famous. I have a faible for studs after all, maybe some influence from my pseudo “punk” period long ago 😀 They had quite similar shoes at GLAD NEWS in Shibuya 109 but of course, the size won’t fit. I also like other shoes from Jeffrey Campbell, especially the “Ice Cream Color” ones (at least that’s how I named them).
Love the light turqoise and lavender ones! Though I have no clothes to combinate the lavender ones I’d rather go for the turquoise. Still not sure if I should go for a pair or not, because I’m TALL. Someone around the net said that one’ll be at least 14cm taller with these lovies on… well, that would make me quite exact size with my boyfriend, who’s around 187cm tall I think. And all my friends are rather tiny and small so I’d maybe feel like a mountain beneath them o.o” Maybe only wear them when I’m out with the guys then xD (High Heels are the only weak point I see in my tallness, really. I don’t wanna be 20 or 30cm taller than my other friends when going out.)
But I think if I would go for such expensive shoes I’d rather buy the more extraordinary ones with the studs. I wanna have something for my price! 😀 Still dunno… any opinions? 
My exam period’s starting on Tuesday, please wish me luck and share some thoughts for me! I’m supposed to write the JLPT N1 which is the Japanese Language Proficiency Test on Level 1 which mean’s MOTHERTONGUE LEVEL. I think I’ll fail pretty bad but everybody in class 2 (there are 10 classes) in my university has to write it. (Nobody knows why, though.) My Japanese really improved a lot in the four months I’m here but it’s still a loooong way to go until I’ll succeed the mothertongue level I guess. But I have no choice so I try to make the best out of it (If I have really no clue…. I will answer everything with ACDC, harhar.) Exam period lasts until Tuesday 24th. Maybe I’ll blog inbetween!
If not, have a nice week all of you 

P.S. Damn. Just realized I forgot to write a report for Global Issues class which has to be written in the next 4 days. Damndamn².
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