Giveaway Winner!

October 1, 2012

Hello my precious,

I actually need to apologize since it took me so long to settle the whole giveaway. When I started it I didn’t notice it would fall right into my London vacation and to make it even worse I work a lot of these days so I didn’t have much time to sort all the entries etc.
First of all I’d like to THANK ALL OF YOU who participated, there were more than 300 entries! Thank you so much and I’m hoping this little blog can grow and grow in the future, I just started! ๐Ÿ˜€ I have to say I am lucky to have such ambitious readers who comment a lot with their own opinions and suggestions and in response to all my entries, thank you so much! I appreciate everyone of you and try to get back to every single one ๐Ÿ™‚ (I hate Bloggers who never ever reply to anyone, what is blogging for, then?) 
To keep it short, I drew a winner via rafflecopter/ after sorting all the entries, and the lucky winner is…………

Congratulations! I already emailed you and will rush so you get the package asap! Hope you’re as happy as I am :3 As for the giveaway I have to say it really was a fun experience! I love to give stuff away or to make presents for my friends anf family, so I’m already thinking about another giveaway I could do. Since I’m a broke student I’m not sure what it could be, any suggestions? ๐Ÿ™‚
Despite the giveaway I had to work a lot these days. I have to say I am really glad to be back at work. I was always a busy bee who loved working (doing something), I hate sitting around and being unproductive. Plus, I just love the team I’m working with, everybody is just fun and so easy to get along with. And I like the smell of coffee and milk on my skin when I come home late at night. It’s just good to have some schedule again after such a long period of nothing in my life. University will also start in about 2-3 weeks again, I’m already preparing for a super crucial test in December. Having that said and with my boyfriend, my friends and family I’ve got pretty busy but I am trying to blog as much as I can because it just freaking makes me happy. Lately I got the feeling blogger have a bad image in the real life, but it makes me happy to interact and post and prepare posts and grow into a -hopefully- better person. (I’m way more active and creative since I started blogging, but that’s another story…)
To really keep it short; I already prepared my London shopping post so please stay tuned for that and have a wonderful beginning of the week everybody! Hope the ones who didn’t win aren’t too sad, let’s see what I can bring up in the future ๐Ÿ˜€ Thank you all for your support! <3
Much love & see you soon!
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