Finally I made my way to Kamakura! I always wanted to visit this town and the surroundings. I’m very sorry for the lack of updates since I came to Japan; but I’m superbusy with my current life here. I just have 10 months so I need to hurry to make the best out of it…
Japanese language worries and…. other worries.
I’m living in Japan for nearly 3 weeks now and had a supergreat time by now ♥ Unfortunately I was misplaced in the wrong language course. We had a placement test soon as we entered tha Japanese University and I kind of failed the test because the quality of the listening part was SHIT and…
Campus sponsored cosmetic products!
My roommate Pachi (right) and me after the application for alien registration in Japan. My dear readers, how are you? I’m really sorry for the lack of updates but I’m not quite sattled yet in Japan. Our room is crowded with everything but nothing worth to use. We didn’t even bought some fantastic things, all…
Goodbyes per hour.
Woah it’s raining all the time here. For Hours. It rains cats and dogs literally. There’s nothing really special to talk about since I was busy the whole weekend with goodbye-saying-things. On Thursday I finally got my official one-year Visa for Japan. It was so close, just a week before taking off! Asian bureaucracy really…
Decoden Fake Eyelash Case ♥
Recently I started to wear fake lashes more often than usual. Normally I just used them on special occasions and always felt very unsecure when wearing them and being afraid they could fall off. Since I wear circle lenses I use fake lashes much more and this is why I was in an urgent need…
Something personal.
The last days, my situation at home got worse and worse at worse. I live at home with my mom and her wife (yes, yes!) but I’m not that often at home because I mostly go to work/university and sleep at my boyfriend’s home. The last days I was at home and realized that my…
Fake Bob + Hokusai Retrospektive (北済の展示会)
Yesterday night I thought hard about letting cut my hair… I was so desperate about this thought that I tried to fake a bob. Unfortunately I just had 3 bobby pins so it turned out really messy =.=” Would also look better if I had bangs I guess..I also would have to style my hair…
日本が勝った! ベルリンに住んでいる日本人と友達といっしょに見て、すごい雰囲気だった!! 女たち、 おめでとう! Just a small message, because Japan won the women’s world championship!!! I’m not into football, but I always watch the championship between the countries because iz’s just so exciting! The women’s championship this year was in Germany so the atmosphere was different despite the other years… BUT OMG this match was…
New Haircut?! & Norwegian Wood Experience ♥
I am desperate because I’m thinking the last few days if I should cut my hair. I cut it in March but it did not look that good at that time.. the colour was too dark and my fringe looked really messy. So I let it grow and grow and grow… and now my hair…