Be Careful Where You Shop. (Romwe VS Ebay)

November 21, 2012

Hello my beloved ladies,

Do you know that feeling, when you find something online and you just need to buy it? Beause it’s so pretty? Or mainly, because it’s so unique and not available like that where you live? Well, I live in Berlin where I can get nearly everything I want when it comes to fashion but even I have these online-shopping-key-moments when I want to buy something instantly because I just fell so in love with it.

Well, an unplanned discovery at Ebay while browsing for something let me to this entry, and I have to say, I’m angry. (And let me tell you it’s not easy to get my calm soul to become angry!) Some of you may know the onlineshop It’s most famous among Lookbook at the moment, and everybody who’s in high rank has at least one item from their shop. I once made a wishlist about this shop because there were a lot items I liked but to speak the truth I never ordered anything because friends and readers in the comments stated that quality varies a lot from item to item.
Coming to the core of what I wanna tell: When I browsed among Ebay, one of my favorite platforms to shop and get some goodies for a nice price, I came among some jumpers who looked really familiar to me. After some clicks I found out that these were the exact same pieces they also sell at Romwe, but only for a third or even less the price! I was shocked and couldn’t believe my eyes! I did some research and found nearly every item that I liked from Romwe also on Ebay, and not a single item cost more than 15$-20$ at Ebay from the original seller in China! That leds me to the conclusion that Romwe doubles and triples their prices for their own good. Explains pretty good why they try to make such a hype around their online-shop. Below I made a little chart with snapshots from both sides as a comparison.
Find the cheaper versions from ebay here and here and here.
Which was the biggest shock to me was to find a jumper again I really liked; though the Ebay seller sold it for 12$ each Romwe sold the exact same item for almost 90$!!! Unfortunately that jumper isn’t online at Romwe anymore so I couldn’t snap a shot from it to make the comparison. You can bet what version I ordered 😀 
I am pretty sure that the sellers I found are the “original” sellers of the items since they all are located in China / Hong Kong and Romwe stated on their site that most items they have are from China. I compared a lot of pictures but these all were the exact same items. I am deeply shocked and also disappointed and have to say I am so glad I never ordered anything from their site! I would’ve felt really really cheated on. As a fashion blogger, I felt it lies within my responsibilites regarding my readers to make a post about this. I’m still very angry about this and thinking about contacting Romwe to get some sort of explanation why their oh-so-high-fashion are at least double the price (or worse.) I hope non of you got some of these overpriced items. Oh btw, do you remember that Dorothy Perkins dress I bought in London? (See post here) Guess what, Romwe has the exact same piece too. Needless to say it costs about 15$ more than what I paid.
It’s pretty sure for me that I won’t support such a way of gaining money in any form and will stay away from that shop in future to be sure. If this is important to you too, feel free to repost/retweet/share this post on your platform or spread the word in an article of your own! I think the least we bloggers can do is spread the word and give other people insight in what’s going on. Not trying to spread any hate here, just disappointed in the human nature :/ Hope you found this post informative and make sure to double check before buying something if it’s not a specific brand you’re buying from.
Have a good day y’all & Much love to you!

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