October 6, 2014

Good evening my dearest readers!

I am sorry for being absent for a week. I actually had a pretty crappy week. It started good when we went out for fried chicken and beer with our Korean teacher who is pretty cool – she was disappointed we didn’t drink as much beer as she probably expected from us Germans (talking about stereotypes). For some reason, I ended up on another party and that was the worst decision ever. Most people there were horrible, one drunk ass guy called me a “racist bitch” which was just the cherry on top. (I was trying to get a superdrunk friend home… not sure how this makes me racist or, even worse for me, a bitch.) He probably doesn’t even remember as he was super drunk but it felt extremely unfair to get attacked out of thin air. I didn’t even once talk to him before (y’all can imagine why that might be… I have a strong sense of justice and it really bothers me when someone who knows absolutely nothing about me calls me out like that and talks shit about me, seriously. Yes, I’m still upset.) I got the drunk friend home at 4AM but as it was my first time ever drinking Soju… ohmygod I felt SO bad. I spare you the details. I couldn’t move all Thursday and was still feeling wobbly on Friday.
Even worse, I had a horrible HORRIBLE breakout on my left cheek. All of it. Not sure if it’s the fault of that party + alcohol + fatty food etc or me being so angry over the stupid drunk guys.. (there was more than one). Whatever it was, my whole cheek was covered in huge red very painful zits and it was itchy for the whole week and I felt like crap. I stopped using every skincare item I use except for my toner and my Hada Labo milk and just today it started healing and stopped being super itchy. I also went to the derm today because of that, but I’ll save that story for another time.
To get more positive! I felt determined to show you the hottest & most popular make-up items here in Korea! To avoid confusion, I wrote Asian, because the mascara is actually from a Japanese manufacturer but is sold regularly in Korea too. This blog has been a bit skincare-heavy the last weeks so I thought you might enjoy some make-up items 🙂

I was never interested in mascara because I found my holy grail item a long long time ago – for me, the Maybelline Colossal Volume works really well and I am on my 10th tube or so I guess, my mom sends it to me whenever I’m in Asia… I can’t tell her that they sell the mascara here too, it would destroy her world view! So I just thank her and pretend I desperately needed a new one, for mother’s love’s sake. However, I know a lot of people who are head over heels for the Heroine Make Long and Curl Mascara so I am willing to try it out! (Usually the story goes like this: I buy a new mascara which disappoints me completely and I come crawling back to Maybelline.) Japanese mascaras in general seem to be super popular – something I def. didn’t know when I was living there.

Also, I really wanna try the Peripera Lip Tints! I mean, look at that packaging, how adorable are these?! All my Korean friends swear by these lip tints, so it’s def. a must-buy for me. Same goes for the Etude House Lip Sticks, they are super popular and seem to be one of the best Asian lipsticks you can get for a cheap price. I am totally opting for a darker red now that fall is coming over us! Unfortunately, for lip products, I really have to wait for my breakout to heal… anything red like rouge or lipsticks just accentuate the redness in my face more u____u”” Last but not least, I really got interested in cushion foundations. I didn’t think much of these – but that was because I only knew the ones from Etude House which have almost zero coverage which doesn’t make sense to me. By living here, I got accustomed to many many more brands and the Verité UV Multi Cushion seems to have the best coverage. However…
to be totally honest with you guys, I already bought the IOPE Air Cushion XP which is super super super(!) popular in Korea. Literally everyone has this foundation. I didn’t use it yet because of my huge breakout I’m not wearing any make-up.. and if I have to (presentation tomorrow..) I’m using my MAC Studio Fix which I haven’t used in… forever. Because I know it does not worsen my acne and has pretty badass coverage. Living in Korea however, has changed my view on things a bit. Before I was only searching for the best foundations to cover my skin flaws. Now I am def. trying to clear up my skin so that I won’t need such a heavy foundation again. (But… that also is a story for another day.)

Are you having any make-up must-haves on your radar at the moment? I didn’t buy make-up in ages so I’m excited to try something new! 🙂
Lots of love,


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