Guess what….?! It’s Fashion Week in Seoul!
Of course I am no VIP who gets a golden invitation, especially not in South Korea… but! Dongdaemun where all the action is happening is very close to my university and I have to cross it a lot anyway so I thought I would take a short look behind the scenes. I have to say that Koreans are one of the best dressed people in general that I’ve encountered, closely followed by the Japanese. You can really see that most people actually think about what to wear and what to pair it with instead of just grapping something when they’re in a sleepy delirium.
I have to say, I’m not a big fan of fashionweeks. I think it’s a highly exclusive event with way too many people that think way too much of themselves. Plus, I rarely see anything that is really inventive (or innovative in that sense) but the fashionweek in Seoul has a nice location so I thought I’d share some quick snaps 🙂
The fashion week in Seoul takes place at the Dongdaemun Design Plaza which in itself is a super gorgeous piece of architecture and very fitting for an event that lives from art in my opinion.
Just so pretty at night with all the light, this looks really stunning as scenery 🙂 I wish we had clever architecture like that in Berlin but all we get are hideous grey square-like buildings. Berlin def. does not look like one of the top players in architecture 🙁
I’m pretty sure I ran into some (semi) prominent people but since I have no idea.. I don’t watch Korean dramas (only ever made it through one and that was quite different from the usual Kdrama) so even if I bumped into the most prominent person in whole South Korea I wouldn’t have noticed. Also, for fashion week, I was definitely and infinitely underdressed. Fashion is serious business. I don’t really have to say much as I just sneak-peeked a bit into the craziness but I thought maybe you’d appreciate pictures, I honestly never heard of Seoul fashion week before 🙂 (And I totally would have missed it if one of my Korean friends didn’t post like 2954 pictures on her Facebook feed.)
Hope you liked this little sneak-peek! 🙂
Lots of love,