I’m planning to go to cinema next week! I waited a very long time and finally the film adaption of Murakami Haruki’s novel shows up here in Germany! I AM SO FUCKING IN LOVE WITH MURAKAMI HARUKI :3 He’s my god, I read “Kafka on the shore” when I was.. maybe 14 or so and absolutely fell in love. Maybe I’m going to write my dissertation in Japanese Studies about his novels, I really want to! 😀 I am going to watch the film in Japanese with German subtitles. Due to I’m studying Japanese here at university my language ability is quite good (and will hopefully get better when I’m heading for Japan in September for 10 months!) but hearing is still very hard for me. Although it gets better (or maybe I only imagine it…). Tomorrow I will definitely come to the review I presented a few days ago… I never had my cam with me so I could not make any good pics for you guys! u_u” じゃね! ^-^