Second Canadian Snacks + Swap Of The Year With Filosophie!

Oktober 15, 2015

Hi There!

Sorry for the lack of updates recently, but I am actually having some private issues that are making it really hard for me to focus and blog content. I’m not really sure of where I’m at the moment, so I’ll just leave it like that for now.
On a more positive note, I finally recorded my second swap with Filo from Filosophie who has been a dear blogger friend of mine! We did a swap back in January, and since it was a great success, we decided to do it again! We are both madly obsessed with foreign snacks and beauty items so it’s like a match made in heaven.
I am so happy with all the stuff she got me, especially the Kat von D lipstick that exceeded my expectations! I love giving and receiving gifts and these surprise swaps are always the perfect opportunity. If you want to see what I got her (and how she tried to eat a German hair mask as she thought it was an exotic snack) see her video here! (She’s so much more hilarious than I am.)
Have you done any swaps yet? If not, you really should consider doing one, it is so much fun! I love scouring the stores to find good deals so I can get her as much stuff as I can fit in a box. Thank you Filo and to many more snacks (I meant swaps) to come in the future! <3
Lots of love,
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